Thursday, October 31, 2019

Web 2.0 and a Small or Medium-sized Business Essay

Web 2.0 and a Small or Medium-sized Business - Essay Example 19). One of the major and most important advancements of technology is the internet which has significantly changed people’s lives and how they do business. Specifically, internet has facilitated the development of social media and related developments under the banner â€Å"Web 2.0† which has been central to business operations in the recent times. Web 2.0 refers to the concept that uses internet network (World Wide Web) as a platform for sharing information, collaboration, user-centered design, and interoperability among individuals and companies (Lincoln, 2009, p. 11). Web 2.0 platforms give users the opportunity to collaborate as well as interact with one another as creators and users of content that is user-generated. This technology is revolutionary in the sense that it allows collaboration and interaction among users in a virtual community unlike other websites that limit consumers to passive viewing of the contents that have already been created for them (Elliot t, 2004, p. 27). Web 2.0 platforms include social networking sites, web applications, blogs, hosted services, and video sharing sites among others. The fact that social media has grown exponentially over the years means that no business can ignore it, as it is very critical to the success and performance of businesses (Shah, 2010, p. 16). This paper will discuss the potential of social media and related developments under the banner â€Å"Web 2.0† for helping a medium-sized business (Proxar IT Consulting) to communicate with customers and to share knowledge between its staff. Web 2.0 technologies use internet network (World Wide Web) as a platform for sharing information, collaboration, user-centered design, and interoperability among individuals and companies. Several studies have shown that Web 2.0 has a wide range of generic business benefits that emanates from the adoption of developments in web services, software as a service, and interpersonal computing (Nair, 2011, p. 46). The first generic benefit is that Web 2.0 can help a business improve its ranking particularly in the search result and therefore extend its presence onto other sites. This is important to any business in the sense that it builds high quality links to the company and therefore increases the exposure of the business (Chaney, 2009, p. 35). However, for this to be more efficient, the content should be made relevant to staff and existing and potential customers. The second generic benefit is that it helps in the brand management of the business and helps them to protect their reputation. Proactive use of Web 2.0 can remarkably help to build and find relationships with customers, as well as improve relationship between employees (Lincoln, 2009, p. 19). In addition, Web 2.0 is beneficial to businesses because it enhances relationships between the business, its partners, customers, and staff. Through social media, customers, employees, investors, and partners find the platform to inte ract and collaborate (Lee, 2010, p. 114). Another generic business benefit of Web 2.0 is brand awareness; it presents businesses with incredible opportunity to generate content that brands the company in good light and therefore generate brand awareness to the targeted audience (Elliott, 2004, p. 44). Social media has proved to be fundamental in building consistent presence and therefore enhances brand awareness for any business that uses it. More importantly, Web 2.0 technolog

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Classical Symphony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Classical Symphony - Essay Example Symphony has evolved since the middle of the eighteenth century, as stated by Dorak. His study stated that the Bohemian Stamitz first established a new form in the orchestra. In my research, another study made by Think Quest indicated that the history of the symphony was traced to the Baroque period. It was during this time there were musical performances in concert halls. Accordingly, these musical performances gradually evolved into the development of the â€Å"sonata† where composers realized that eventually lead to the beginning of the symphony. The classical orchestra is composed of four sections: the string section, the woodwind section, the brass section and the percussion section. In a study of the Sections of the Orchestra, it was detailed that the string sections are divided into four parts. These parts are the: first violins, second violins, violas, and cellos and double basses. The woodwind section is composed of two oboes, two flutes, two bassoons, and two clarine ts. The brass section, on the other hand, consists of two trumpets, four horns, three trombones, and a tuba. Finally, the percussion section is composed of pair of timpani (kettledrums), a side drum (snare drum), a bass drum, cymbals, and a triangle. These are the basic groups of instruments used in an orchestra. It is interesting to note that as revealed in the same study on the Sections of the Orchestra, most orchestras today have a piano and a harp to complement the other instruments, as needed.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Professional Development in Nursing | Reflection

Professional Development in Nursing | Reflection In order to enhance knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed for a safe and effective nursing practice, this reflective piece aims to demonstrate the author’s commitment to the need for professional development contribution and personal supervision activities. Through leadership, peer support, supervision and teaching this account will further enhance the professional development and safe practice to others. To achieve these aims, backed with supportive evidence, the author shall use a case study to enable him make discussions and debates. To maintain confidentiality, names of people and places mentioned in this account has been anonymised in accordance to NMC code of professional conduct (NMC, 2010). During the mid-point of his final placement, Bruce was instructed by his mentor to assume the primary nurse role for 73 year old Alice who was detained in an inpatient psychiatric unit under section 3 of the Mental Health Act. Alice was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease dementia with a history of falls, self-neglect and aggressive behaviours toward staff and fellow patients. Following Alice’s CPA review, additional medication was prescribed to her after a mutual agreement between Alice, her family and the MDT as rapid deterioration in her mental state was a concern. CPA (2008) recommends that patients, family and carers should be involved in decision making in regard to their care plans. To promote medication adherence, NICE (2009) declares that, patients should be involved in decisions about prescribed medication to enable them to make informed choices. Bruce was not aware of Alice’s new prescribed medication because he had 2 days off from work. Upon return to work, Bruce volunteered to be the nurse in charge of the shift to enable him gain more confidence and build his leadership skills. Whilst Bruce was being supervised during the morning medication rounds as guided by (NMC, 2010). Alice noticed that there was a new medication so she asked Bruce purpose of the additional medication. Bruce could not confidently explain the purpose of the medication so he asked Dora his mentor who stood by to explain to Alice. Alice became extremely angry and agitated, hostile and physically aggressive towards Bruce accusing him of wanting to kill her however, staff intervened and managed to de-escalate the situation. NICE (2005) recommends that at the first signs of agitation or violent behaviour, staff should first try to calm the patient down using de-escalation methods. Taking the above scenario into consideration one can say that Bruce acted proactively by volunteering to co-ordinate the shift. However, Bruce should have been more concerned to find out the outcome of Alice’s CPA meeting as her acting primary nurse. NMC (2008) asserts that the care of people should be your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity. Since Bruce volunteered to coordinate the shift, he could have delegated some of the task i.e. medication rounds to other qualified nurses to enable him to catch-up with what happened at the ward during his absence. Delegation of task enables the team leader to be able to devote more time to those tasks that cannot be delegated. With more time available, the leader can invest time and energy into developing practice, improving standards and influencing decisions that affect their service (Garland and Sullivan, 2010). It was a bad practice for Bruce to administer medication without knowing it purpose as a nurse. NMC (2010) affirms that, nurses must know the medicine’s therapeutic use, its normal dosage, side effects, precautions and contra-indications before administering it. Bruce should have checked the use of the newly prescribed medication in the British National Formulary (BNF) before administering it to Alice (NMC, 2010). Bruce could have also asked Dora about the purpose of the newly prescribed medication when he realised he was not familiar with it even before dispensing it into the pot for Alice. However, one can say that Bruce acted professionally by acknowledging his limitations and therefore asked Dora to explain the use of the newly prescribed medication to Alice. NICE (2009) recommends that as a good practice, nurses should provide patients with verbal and written information regarding their prescribed medication to promote medication concordance. Bruce in a meeting with Dora identified the need for developing his medication administration and management skills and agreed on an action plan under his mentor’s supervision. Care Quality Commission (2013) affirms that supervision provides opportunity for staff to review their performance, set objectives in line with the organisation objective and service needs, and identifies training and continuing developing needs. Bruce further identified the need for research on medication administration, management and medication training all these shall be accomplished under the supervision of Dora. Bruce also has requested to be more involved in medication administration and did a research and found out that, patients must always understand the reason for taking a particular drug. NICE (2009) recommends that, at intervals agreed with the patients, staff should review patients’ knowledge, understanding and concerns about medicines, and patients view of their need for medicine b ecause these may change over time. Bruce had the opportunity to learn how to write CPA reports, tribunal reports and continued to build his confidence in writing plans of care and risk profiles by assuming the primary nurse role for Alice. Bruce also seized the opportunity by being the primary nurse to Alice to gain a better understanding of the MDT working. DOH (2004) ten essential shared capabilities recommends that professionals, patients, family and carers should work in partnership to provide quality care. By volunteering to coordinate the shift gave Bruce the insight of the responsibilities and what to expect from a qualified nurse. Coordinating the shift enabled Bruce to research more about his leadership styles, improved on his communication and delegation skills and his management. Bruce also had the opportunity as the shift coordinator, to do an incident report about Alice’s physical aggression towards him under Dora’s supervision. It can be argued that Alice was not supposed to behave that way however, she could forget about her CPA meeting and the newly prescribed medication because of the symptoms of her illness. Wrycraft (2009) declares that, typical symptoms of dementia are loss of memory, confusion and a change in personality, mood and behaviour. NHS (2012) confirms that, common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include memory loss, especially problems with memory for recent events, such as forgetting messages, remembering routes or names, and asking questions repetitively. Based on the above account, a nurse should always reflect and evaluate his or her practice then plan future practice areas for development.

Friday, October 25, 2019

British Policy of Appeasement at the Beginning of World War Two Essay

British Policy of Appeasement at the Beginning of World War Two The First World War was the beginning of a new era in fighting. Weapons and fighting technique had drastically changed, making war much more dangerous. With the predictions for the new weapons including poisonous gas and bigger bombs, Great Britain was very much afraid for its citizens, especially men and women of fighting age. The country wished to avoid war at any cost. The choices of Neville Chamberlain and The Parliament favoring appeasement affected the decisions of other European leaders, such as French Premier Daladier, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Winston Churchill, and those choices helped Britain enter the war. Many believe that with the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War One, the prelude to World War Two was put in motion. At the time many Europeans, who were still hurting from the war, were not concerned that the restrictions put upon Germany were too stringent. But it gave Germans a reason to elect Hitler to the Chancellorship of Germany in 1933. While Britain tried to ignore the new leader of Germany, they could not ignore him any longer when the Saar Basin voted to return to Germany. As part of its World War I repatriations, the Saar Basin had been given to France because of the territory’s natural resources and such.1 Since Germany had now violated the Treaty of Versailles, Britain, France, and Italy gathered at Strea in Italy to discuss a course of action. Britain and France’s main concern was to keep Italy in opposition to the Germans. When Italy decided to attack Ethiopia, Britain was torn between avoiding war or endorsing the unprovoked attack. They left it up to the League of Nations to make the decision. In this deci... ...Lilly, David. (1994). British Reaction to the Munich Crisis, 1. 6. Rempel, Professor Gerhard. (1999). The Nazi-Soviet Pact. Available: [Mar. 4, 2000], 1. 7. Paul, James. (1998). Britain in World War Two. 8. Lilly, David. (1994). British Reaction to the Munich Crisis, 1. 9. John L. Snell, Problems in European Civilization: The Outbreak of the Second World War, (Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1962), 6. 10. Rempel, Professor Gerhard. (1999). The Nazi-Soviet Pact, 2. 11. John L. Snell, Problems in European Civilization: The Outbreak of the Second World War, 6-7. 12. Rempel, Professor Gerhard. (1999). The Nazi-Soviet Pact, 3. 13. John L. Snell, Problems in European Civilization: The Outbreak of the Second World War, 9.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Learning Team Project Charter Essay

Introduction A company is looking to upgrade its current database system. The company has multiple locations nationwide with the main headquarters located in Southern California. Currently, each location has its own database that is not online and only contains the local sites information. The database holds employee’s personal information as well as payroll information. They would like to have one large database that is networked together and accessible by all sites at any time. Scope This project will upgrade the company’s database system within Human Resources. All database information will now be stored on the new database server that will be installed at the main headquarters. The database servers that are already installed at each local site will be reconfigured to send and receive updates to the main server so that all database servers are mirrored. Hard disk drive space will be upgraded to account for database growth at each location. Employees that require access to this database will need approval from the Human Resources department to protect employee information. This project will not update the actual database software but will reconfigure the software to be accessible across the company network as well as combine all database information into one large database. A new task of nightly backups will be initiated at the main headquarters once the new database setup is completed. Budget Limitations This should be a low budget upgrade to the company as most of the hardware  and software will not need upgrades. Hard disk drive space is fairly inexpensive to upgrade. No new equipment will need to be purchased since everything is being reconfigured. Upgrading internet speeds will need to be considered since mirroring large amounts of data across the entire network may slow the network down. No outside help will be needed as the local IT team at each location will be able to handle reconfigurations. Sponsors, Stakeholders, Project Team Structure, and Project Approach The sponsors will consist of the company’s CEO and management team who will secure the necessary resources to fund the project. A project manager will be assigned to the project. The manager is responsible for making estimates of every area of the project that includes tasks resources and timeline. The project manager is responsible for ensuring that the project stays on focus and meets the deadlines. Also, the project manager will report the progress of the project to the CEO and management team. The project team will include a technical staff person from each of the company’s locations. The technical staff will be knowledgeable of human resources technology needs. The project team also will include a technology lead person that will focus of performing an assessment of the current system. Also, the lead personnel will determine the needs of the current system, and coordinating hardware and software upgrades for their assigned human resources. The technology lead person is responsible for providing periodic updates to the project manager regarding the progress of upgrades. In order to ensure that the project meets its deliverables, each task of the project will be defined which includes the time sequence of each activity that involves testing and training. Also, resources for each task will be defined and time estimates established. The team will use the project management approach because of the amount of resources that are needed to complete the project that requires the estimates to be accurate. Conclusion This will be a fairly inexpensive project for the company since most current hardware and software will continue to be used. This project will allow the Human Resources department to work together as one unit to keep better records of employee information as well as payroll information. Human resources at the main headquarters will be able to push new information to the databases companywide at a faster and more accurate rate resulting in less confusion in employee information as well as less payroll mistakes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Commentary on Jonathan Swift’s Essay “A Modest Proposal” Essay

Jonathan Swift cleverly illustrates a very â€Å"humble† solution to the crisis in Ireland in his personal essay, â€Å"A Modest Proposal. † His voice urges annoyance and frustration, evoking a tone of sarcasm. Through the use of cynical language, he creates an intense and informative response. He uses language to create imagery which he intends to elicit a response of shock and moral responsibility. His intention is to mock Ireland and the economic crisis they have got themselves in. Swift appropriately chooses strong imagery and describes a â€Å"melancholy object† that comes from walking through Irish streets and seeing â€Å"beggars of the female sex† and â€Å"three, four, or six children, all in rags. † Swift wants this image to convey the severe challenges that Ireland is facing. These women are panhandling for food, instead of working â€Å"for their honest livelihood,† and that influences their children to do the same or leave for the â€Å"Pretender in Spain. The â€Å"deplorable state† of Ireland is causing grave situations for the impoverished. The English Protestants have been mistreating the Irish, and England has â€Å"consumed† Ireland. Because of England, Ireland faces a lack of power, and Swift uses this verisimilitude in order to take advantage of his satire and to present the â€Å"devouring† of poverty-stricken infants of Irish born mothers. The circumstances in Ireland at that time, the key parallel between both situations are their shared consequence: a country destined to collapse. Swift’s arguments against their current â€Å"schemes† of Ireland are well constructed and convincing. The children or the mothers will no longer beg for â€Å"charity† on the streets. â€Å"A child will make two dishes,† and will be offered in sale to people. This will bring quality and fortune, through the nation. He has â€Å"maturely weighed the several schemes of other projectors. † He believes that these â€Å"schemes† are much miscalculated in their â€Å"computation. † If the previous â€Å"schemes† had worked then there would be no poverty or â€Å"voluntary abortions. He uses strong diction to let one know that he is not proud of his country or the people. His proposal makes complete logical sense. He has everything figured out. Certain terms he uses when he compares the Irish children to farm animals, and that they should be â€Å"consumed. † Diction such as â€Å"stock,† â€Å"pigs,† â€Å"cattle,† â€Å"fatten them up,† all imply to Swift’s analogy to people and livestock. This implies that the Irish just stand around and bend down to an authority of a higher power, and also that the English treat the Irish as worthless workers. The Irish are valuable in financial means to their owners and so are livestock. The Irish just marry and bear children, and wait for wealth to come. This is just what the English want, they want the Irish to be weaker and not take a stand. Therefore, Swift quite subtly proposes that instead of these children being a burden on the already poor parents, the children should â€Å"contribute† themselves to the nation in a form of food or clothing. Swift uses imagery to set the tone of voice and to consistently keep it going throughout the essay. He conjures up images to create an illusion that the solution to the economic crisis in Ireland is quite effortless to solve. Swift is expecting the Irish people to understand that they are responsible of the crisis and they have no patriotism towards their own country. This imagery is created because of language, he expects the people of the nation to do something about the â€Å"distresses† being faced. Swift consistently repeats women and children â€Å"begging,† he wants to clarify that he’s not only writing an essay about the economy but also about moral responsibility of the nation. He explains about the â€Å"voluntary abortions;† these women murder their children because they can’t afford to provide for their children. He constantly explains the â€Å"present distresses,† expressing his frustration and shame towards the country. Swift is generous with his disdain and his ironic representations are not only meant to criticize the society of Ireland, but also to motivate the Irish to take action in rectifying the damage that Ireland has tolerated. Swift has no other motive but to only hope for the public good and â€Å"public consideration. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Netflix Entertainment Industry Analysis Essay

Netflix Entertainment Industry Analysis Essay Netflix Entertainment Industry Analysis Essay Example Netflix Entertainment Industry Analysis Essay Example The primary research targets are the existing customers of Netflix. The purpose of the enquiry is to ascertain current trends that entice customers. In fact, the entertainment industry is a very flexible venture. The changes in technology and preferences necessitate service providers to introduce novel amenities that will attract new clients. In addition, the entertainment industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. Therefore, it is essential for service providers to conduct periodic research. This trend will help identify the new tendencies that Netflix can adapt to attract a new target market and increase the existing market (Douglas 58). Main Hypothesis about Entertainment Industry Hypothesis 1: Gaming platforms will increase the number of clients subscribing to services by Netflix Hypothesis 2: Epic/fantasy and reality genres are more preferred by clients Hypothesis 3: Clients would consider watching shows from other parts of the world, such as Africa and India Hypothesis 4: Clients watch TV shows more frequently than movies Recent trends in technology have made it probable for customers to watch their favorite movies via gaming platforms. This trend is complemented by the growth of the videogame sector. Now, research proves that the number of people playing games surpasses the people watching television shows and movies (Goldfayn 23). Hence, this primary research aims at establishing the perceptions and views of customers regarding the efficacy of the gaming platforms. The significance of the gaming platforms to Netflix will arise with the expansion and attainment of new target market (Grinapol 96). The current users subscribed to movie shows will have the advantage of subscribing to videogames and movies simultaneously. This move will increase the subscription for clients who need both services. This primary research will establish the views of Netflix customers concerning the genre. Nowadays, the majority of customers have a strong allegiance to a specific genre of TV shows and movies. This is exemplified by the great success of â€Å"Game of Thrones†, an epic TV show airing on HBO. The TV show is currently at its sixth season and has a very loyal and huge audience. Therefore, Netflix could introduce a new show of this genre to obtain a new target market that would be highly attracted by the show (Lüsted 45). Thus, this research will establish the perception of Netflix customers regarding epic genres. In addition, reality television has attracted a new audience that entails the whole family. The reason for this is the fact that the reality shows depict the real issues facing the society today. This genre is also important and should be considered by Netflix when developing shows for television. In a bid to establish a new target market, the primary research will inquire from customers if they would consider watching TV shows from other parts of the world such as Africa and India. In particular, Bollywood has produced movies that have sold many copies throughout the world. For instance, â€Å"Slum Dog Millionaire† and â€Å"Three Idiots† were very successful in all parts of the world including the United States. The TV show outsourced from Bollywood was very successful. This primary research will hence try to establish if the existing customers of Netflix would consider watching movies and TV shows from other parts of the world. For example, many customers have indicated that they love Trevor Noah, a comedian from South Africa (Keating 30). This finding indicates that a new target market can be obtained through acquiring movies and TV shows from other parts of the world. Since these movies will have a different concept from what the customers are accustomed to, the customers may appreciate and buy more movies from these regions. Marketing Objectives This marketing plan is a management approach to achieving the goals of a marketing campaign over well-coordinated use of several promotional means aiming to reinforce each other. The techniques encompass advertising, sales, promotions, direct marketing, and public relationships (Douglas 63). The marketing will offer competitive advantage, increase sales, and proceed while saving money and time. Netflix should employ these marketing techniques to target a different audience. For instance, social media target the young generation while conventional methods such as TV commercials target the older generation. Therefore, internet marketing would be more efficient in ensuring that Netflix reaches its target audience. Netflix should operate at low costs, eliminate intermediaries, and introduce new shows to have a competitive edge over its competitors (Douglas 10). Marketing Strategy The market for Netflix has a great potential for growth. Clients who have subscribed for movies characterize the existing market and TV shows online via the internet and via mail for clients in the United States (Grinapol 96). The number of clients opting for DVD rental services is few as compared to the clients who have subscribed via the internet. Netflix has a tendency of releasing a full show online for subscribed customers. This method allows the clients to access all the episodes of a TV show at an instant. In addition, this approach is efficient for clients who love having all episodes before they commence watching a TV show. However, releasing one episode at a time creates an urgency and desire for the particular show. Therefore, Netflix should adapt a strategy that will allow the famous shows to become available to the public one at a time when the shows are released. The survey conducted included twenty respondents. This sufficient number was significant in increasing the validity of the research (Goldfayn 23). The major findings from the research included a reality and epic genre preference among the customers. The majority of the customers indicated that they opted for TV shows that had an epic genre. This accounts for the fact that these shows appealed to the imagination of the clients and create a fantasy world that they get in. Gaming platforms were increasingly preferred due to their flexibility and ability to conduct simultaneous tasks. Most of the clients indicated that they watched television shows more than they watched films. SWOT Analysis Strengths Netflix has a high productivity and revenue. The enterprise has a reputable market with no barriers. The executive has developed an impeccable customer relationship. Customers get the value for their cash and embrace the amenities they receive (Keating 30). Weaknesses There is a very competitive market for movies and TV shows. Customers are lured to the cheap products, which may shift their allegiance to other companies. Amazon and Hulu offer the biggest competition for Netflix. The competition is more evident for Amazon since Netflix is hosted via the Amazon Cloud (Douglas 93). Opportunities According to Nielsen, the breakdown of streaming services in America currently stands at 36% Netflix, 13% Amazon, and 6.5% Hulu. Therefore, the company has a favorable platform to expand the services. In such a way, under the right management, the enterprise will grow to become a transnational giant and dominate entertainment in other countries. Threats The rising costs in original programming will increase the cost of operation (Goldfayn 23). For instance, Netflix paid two million dollars per episode for each episode of the black list aired. The higher bidding from competitors is likely to increase this cost further. Marketing Mix The new products introduced by the company will be priced efficiently to attract the target audience. The new products should be introduced on a promotional basis. For instance, â€Å"buy five, get one free† could be employed on Wednesdays. The products will be streamed via the company website for international clients and via mail for American clients (Keating 30). The enterprise will eliminate intermediaries from its chain of acquiring and distributing products and services. Then, the products will be conveyed directly to consumers via the online streaming platforms. The prices for the products will be negligible since distributing products directly lowers their cost. Most intermediaries raise their products in a bid to increase their profit margin. Promotion of the new products and services of the company will be conducted through the successful movies and series that have attracted a huge audience. For instance, the blacklist can be used to advertise a new TV-show such as Sense8. The latter TV-show has attracted a great number of people. Advertising it on an already successful TV-show will intensify the audience to higher levels. Netflix will employ an integrated marketing approach. Integrated marketing communication is a management strategy to realizing the objectives of a marketing campaign through a well-harmonized use of several promotional techniques intending to complement each other. The methods include advertising, sales, promotions, direct marketing, and public relationships. The concept has many benefits. It generates competitive advantage, increases sales, and proceeds while saving cash, time, and hassle. Netflix will employ this method to target diverse audience. Social media avenues target the young generation while conventional approaches such as TV commercials target the older generation. Implementation Plan Netflix has the resources to expand beyond American borders to other parts of the world. The excellent products and services will be sold in any given market in the world. The enterprise should make acquisitions of entertainment industries in other parts of the world where the entertainment market has not been exhausted. This approach would be the fastest way for Netflix to intensify its presence in the global market and have a competitive edge. The enterprise should intensify digital marketing further. This plan will translate to arise in the sales since it reaches the target audience more effectively (Douglas 91). The research and development department of Netflix will engage customers in numerous interviews. This will help the company capture the needs and recent trends in the entertainment industry. The company will intensify and improve its products and services and eventually host its services via its own cloud. Currently, the company is using Amazon cloud to stream its services. Therefore, it does not have complete control of the cloud. Developing its own cloud will result to a situation where the company can increase the number of TV-shows and movies that suits it. The initial cost of acquiring a private cloud will be high, but the long-term use of the cloud will result in lower costs. Netflix will intensify client support through online videos. The videos will show clients how to fix and troubleshoot their internet settings when streaming videos. The enterprise will acquire a large bandwidth to provide services that are similar to teleconferencing. The customer care agents will interact with clients via video facilities that will make it easier for them to identify the areas that the clients are experiencing difficulties and hence help them to resolve the issues. Conclusion Hypothesis 1, 2 and 3 have been strongly supported by the data from the primary research. Hence, they are accepted by the researcher. However, the data available on hypothesis 4 does not strongly support the hypothesis. Therefore, the hypothesis is not accepted. In such a way, further research is necessary to provide more insight on the subject.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Article Review on Marketing Ethics

Article Review on Marketing Ethics Article Review on Marketing Ethics: Marketing is one of the most important strategies towards the growth of a company. Most business people and marketers are coming up with strategic ways in which they can sell their products to different consumers in a given region. This has led to the need for close focus on ethnic minority groups especially in the United States where there are different ethnic communities. Ethnic marketing is all about a marketer or business person using marketing strategies aimed at attracting a particular ethnic group. With the big numbers of ethnic minority groups in major countries in the world especially in the US, marketers have to develop their marketing strategies to incorporate these other communities since they are part of the larger market. This has grown over time leading to focus on African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians among others since marketers have realized that most of the expenditure is from the ethnic groups thus a need to make them feel more recognized and appreciated by the companies. This is an analysis on the article, ‘Ethnic Marketing: McDonalds is Lovin It’ McDonald Company was among the first companies to implement ethnic marketing strategy. According to Helm, McDonalds have taken cues from Asians, African Americans and Hispanics to develop menus and advertising to encourage middle class Caucasians to buy smoothies and snack wraps in the same way they consume hip hop and rock ‘n’ roll (Helm 4). The CEO says that the ethnic minorities seem to set the trend on how they should enter into the market. This is because they prefer things done in a certain way and the snacks prepared according to their taste and preferences which make them make frequent purchases. Ethnic marketing also involves the marketer incorporating staff from the ethnic communities to show the customers that they also appreciate working with people of their kind. McDonald’s has set the trend for minority groups advertisements which are special for each group to feel represented other than the generalized advertisement (Helm 1). There are various principles to help a marketer successful in ethnic marketing that include valuing; cultural uniqueness of the target group, cultural group’s beliefs, symbols, and practices, differences in language, practices, accents and social conduct, bridge building and cooperation between leaders and other interest communities and valuing word of mouth and interpersonal communication to spread the message. McDonald is ranked as the best at standardization of its marketing through the Big Mac which has been used to measure inflation in the world. Through its low prices and the new menus McDonald’s sales have increased in the year. The launch of the Fiesta menu led to more sales in Hispanic neighborhoods and more sales from the whites as a way of appreciating the strategy and variety of its products. Definitely, people want to try different tastes of other ethnic communities too. The sensitivity in ethnic marketing has led to development of new product. The advertising committee is comprised of more African American, Asian and Hispanic focus groups, to reach out to their target consumers. Many companies adopt ethnic marketing as they are left with no choice but to standardize their advertisements, personal selling among other marketing tools. Having a large market, which is comprised of consumers with different preferences, requires a marketer to focus on the needs of these groups to help in making your products acceptable to satisfy the needs of the large market like McDonald does.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Broken Education, Broken Future

The Broken Windows Theory, first introduced in 1982, asserts that disorder and crime are connected and that disorder can negatively impact society, leading to a high incidence rate of crimes, both misdemeanors and felonies. Through order-maintenance policing, disorder can be controlled, creating a safe and orderly atmosphere, instilling trust between law enforcement and civilians, and the crime rate can be maintained at a low rate. While there is evidence that correlation between Broken Windows policing†¦ Is Britain a broken society? Is Britain broken? Well it is a matter of opinion. I for one believe that in some aspects it is but in others it could not be better. For example, Amelia Gentleman of The Economist website recently conducted an interview with an undertaker in her town. â€Å"Since the beginning of the year, Cuthbertson (the undertaker) has presided over 20 funerals at his church in Easterhouse, in the east end of Glasgow: five of them drug-related deaths, the others triggered by lung cancers†¦ The Broken System Suffering and being neglected on a daily basis is not something someone has to ever encounter. The foster care system is failing because of all of the flaws that exist which results in the harm of bringing down innocent children. The state of Florida has been the first state to ever make all foster care privatized. While the foster care system in Florida is able to get many children adopted, many several of them also suffer from permanent health issues because of the broken system†¦ Death Penalty – Broken System Jorge Lozano Jr. ITT Tech CJ2799 - Criminology and Forensic Technology Capstone Project CJ2799 March 10, 2015 Mr. Gonzales Death Penalty – Broken System The U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court deemed that capital punishment is acceptable when the severity of the sentence was appropriate to the crime. Thirty Seven states still allow the death penalty to be carried out. The systems process is not consistent throughout the states. The states need to become†¦ do about it? When parents split up, there can be many emotions that a youth may have to deal with. These feelings, internalized or expressed, will result in certain behavior that will possibly affect to the youth’s outlook in life. Being a broken hurts! It is the collapse of a God intended design. Children can get robbed of a special experience and protection called "Family". They move on in their lives as individuals without the understanding of what familial security and bond is. They look†¦ CPS: A Broken System Jack was a happy and healthy nine-month old baby boy. He had white-blond peach fuzz growing on his round little head and bright, blue, inquisitive eyes. He was the first grandchild in his family and was adored by his parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles alike. His father, Thomas, was an extremely busy young man. He was a college student who worked full-time and an Army Reservist. When Baby Jack’s mother, Misty, went on a trip, his daddy asked her brother and his wife†¦ The class was tuning their instruments, each string one by one. While the teacher was in the midst of fixing a broken string, which seemingly never did get fully repaired, the phone rang. First once, then twice. The class got silent, as if it was a matter of life or death. Instantly, I knew it was for me. i closed my eyes, in fear that I would start to cry. The ringing stops abruptly, I can hear the mumble of the teacher 's words while on the phone upfront. Its as if my hearing became muffled, almost†¦ forces a child to grow up in a broken home, it can change the way a child feels towards one parent, they may have problems maintaining healthy relationships with people, and it may just change the way they view marriage as a whole. Personally my parents were never married but the effects of their separation on me where the same as if they were divorced. Growing up in a broken home is not a healthy way for a child to grow up. What exactly is a broken home? A broken home is a household where both†¦ questions these abnormal traits as if they are temporary, however, they are innate and therefore, cannot be changed. Cathy Davidson’s, Project Classroom Makeover, talks about how hierarchies have created a broken education system whose educational standards do not provide customized education to every student. On the other hand, Son by Andrew Solomon is about the false dichotomy of using illness to obscure identity and vice versa. Solomon’s axis of identity can be used to understand Davidson’s hierarchies†¦ take a stand against the lack of teaching going on in his class (Broderick). Across America, young people are being short changed due to a broken education system. Bliss is just one example of the shared frustration felt by students. In an interview, Jeff said one of his key points is the fact that it's not just about his education, it's about our education. "If we embrace this, I feel as if we can make a serious change and a positive change. But if we just want to ignore and push this to the side†¦

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Strategy of Taiwans Latecomer Firms to Gain Competitive Advantage Article

The Strategy of Taiwans Latecomer Firms to Gain Competitive Advantage - Article Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Taiwan together with South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong form part of the four newly industrializing economies (NIEs) of East Asia that have rapidly risen over the past few decades to become major global economic powers. Despite being latecomers in the region, many firms in Taiwan have gradually developed their innovation capabilities within a short span of time to become major rivals to the well established multinational corporations (MNCs) from Japan, Europe and America. The spectacular success of the Taiwanese firms in overcoming latecomer disadvantages and catch up with early movers is largely attributed to their successful application of a mix of corporate strategies designed to enable them to overcome entry barriers and gain competitive advantage. As Asia continues to take over the global economy, there are some issues with regard to how the firms in this region are able to compete in the global market. Specifically, the firms th at have entered the Asian market late have even more challenges with regard to catching up with those that are already established. These firms are called latecomers and have many challenges with regard to entry and how they are able to keep up not only in the global arena but also with the other giants in the local market who are already established. One such area that these firms seem to be lagging behind in the area of technology acquisition. Latecomers in the Taiwanese market have to deal with the fact that technology in this region has not matured like in the west. How these firms decide to use a specific strategy for transferring the technology is determined by the business strategy they use.

International Business Law - Foreign Direct Investments rules in Term Paper

International Business Law - Foreign Direct Investments rules in Morocco and Democratic Republic of Congo - Term Paper Example here the economies of the host country may attract foreign investment in the lagging areas of the economy and on the same time protect the local investor. In the following paragraphs we will critically examine these characteristic of Foreign Direct Investment keeping in view the rules for such investment in Morocco and Democratic Republic of Congo. Morocco is an ethnically and culturally diverse society. Operating a free market economy, where in spite of the current Arab Spring robust growth has been seen and the prospects of the respective economy are very good for the coming years. Increase in the domestic demand and progress in the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors are the major attractions for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). There are various regulations passed by the Moroccan Government in order to boost the foreign investment which will be discussed below: The Moroccan Government had adopted a new constitution in order to stable the political situation of the country. This step was taken to address the social demands of the region which tend to swing due to the Arab Spring. This change in the policy had bore fruitful results and attracted the investors of neighboring European countries like France and Spain. The government allowed the Prime Minister of the country to adopt investor friendly policy while keeping in view the civil rights of the local population. This created an environment which is suitable for an investor, and on the other hand addressed various social and political claims (Doing Business in Morocco, 2012). Due to various social disparities and inequalities and also due the absence of the effective labor market the rate of unemployment among the fresh graduates had increased. The government had announced and implemented various reforms to deal with this challenge, which includes the introduction of the private sector investment in the sectors of training, education, human capital development and career planning/counseling. The

Tool mark Examination Physical Criminalistics Lab Report

Tool mark Examination Physical Criminalistics - Lab Report Example Tools can include the usual instruments such as screwdrivers, drill bits, hummer, pry bars and punch or other substances such as rocks. Different tools will create different impressions or marks but each tool creates an impression that is unique to itself. Tools and their impressions are largely defined by the manufacturing process that was used in production and thus lab scientists should be familiar with the various manufacturing processes including casting, forging, extrusion, machining and others. Also certain manufacturing process produce marks that change with time due to wearing of the cutting tool when in contact with the work piece (Monturo, 2010, p 8). Ductile materials may also develop built up edges during machining when the material cold welds onto the tool cutting edge due to high pressures resulting from the process. As more pressure is applied, the built up edge breaks off and the new material replaces the edge and thus the change in the cutting surface is used to examine the manufactured tools and their marks. The main types of marks that are created by different tools including impressed marks such as hammer strikes and striated marks such as the marks made when a screwdriver slides over a soft surface (Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, 2007).The toolmarks are further classified according to their class and subclass properties. Tools also have individual characteristics including random imperfections resulting from the manufacturing process, corrosion or damage (Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, 2007). Class characteristic features are defined before the manufacture of the tool and include its shape and size and the type of impression that is imparted by the tool including shearing, slicing, compression and crimping (Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, 2007, p 8). Subclass properties are in most situations confused with the individual characteristics. They are the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Journalism and Diversity Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Journalism and Diversity - Term Paper Example This paper tells that the notion of responsible media got recognition through the Hutchins Commission on Freedom of the Press in the United States. The World Association of Press Councils realizes that the freedom of the press must be responsible to the public cause, if not the government. It announces that â€Å"it is implicit and inherent in the institution of a free press that the press exercises its powers and duties in a responsible manner† (The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, 2000, p. 2). Clause 12 of the Press Complaints Code deals with discrimination issue regarding reporting of news, guiding journalists not to mention the race, color, religion, sexual orientation, physical or mental illness or disability of a person unless these are required actually to complete the story. The purpose behind this clause is to secure people from biased reporting and the news publication does not harm the common public interest. Journalists need to differentiate between the lines, c rossing it only when remarks are made generally about various sections of people on a reporter’s individual capacity to write that is politically correct and a decision cannot be easily made without harming others’ right of freedom of expression (Beales, 2009). The purpose of the Code is to draw a line, remaining within which won’t create any clash between the right of the public to freedom of speech and the rights of a person not to be exposed to biased personal abuse. Regarding the right to freedom of expression, having a different opinion is the right irrespective of the matter whether it is not to others’ liking or others mind it (Beales, 2009). With the increasing trend of media taken to the court over its expression of public opinion, the responsibility of the press has increased to report daily news in a controlled way. Past examples of various news reporting can help in drawing a line between taking the freedom of publishing news, for example, the British media took restraint by not publishing the contentious Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, although they were not bound by the Code not to do so. On the same length, the sarcastic advice of a national newspaper columnist to wire the county streets to decollate cyclists created anger among the audiences but it was not the violation of the Code on the part of the columnist but because the remark was not aimed at any individual and the columnist also published an apology, the matter was amicably settled (Beales, 2009). Nevertheless, pejorative or prejudicial aggression at selected people is against the spirit of the Code. For instance, making fun at the disabled son of Katie Price, the showbiz model from Jordan became a controversial issue; the PCC was flooded with complaints from readers and also from Ms. Price and her husband, Peter Andre. The issue could only be settled when an online and in-print apology was made by the magazine besides making the donation to the char ity (Beales, 2009). The Code comes to the rescue of those individuals who are targeted and victimized but complaints made by the third party do not come under the arc of the Code until the sufferer agrees to support the complaint. Journalists are advised to apply restraint in reporting matters of public interest by the PCC. Even if no claim of discrimination is made by any individual, PCC can take action under other sections of the Code like Accuracy. For instance, the PCC issued the guidance note on asylum seekers indicating that it was wrong to assume asylum seekers as illegal. They are legal so far as they are not denied asylum.

Astronomy Homework Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Astronomy Homework Assignment - Essay Example Galaxies are not close to each other. Hence, perhaps at one point, there were star clusters at one place and galaxies closer to each other. The brilliant, Greek mathematician and astronomer, Eratosthenes of Cyrene had an easier way of using geometry in determining the size of the earth (Woolfson 22). He assumed that the sun was miles away, perhaps compared to the distance between the ancient city Cyrene and Alexandria in Egypt where he was the chief librarian. Hence, concluding that the rays from the sun at these locations must have been parallel. There is an error in this assumption because the sun is in constant motion and Cyrene is also due south of Alexandria. Hence, such parallel angles in locations, as he suggested are likely to change. Though Ptolemaic system had several observable failings, it still remained as an accepted science for more than 1800 years (Woolfson 24). Perhaps it is because it was a geocentric model which had unanswerable questions which were mostly based on rational reasoning. In addition, the Catholic Church in the middle ages had supreme authority and had widely accepted Ptolemy’s philosophy. Therefore, any person opposed to the geocentric system got punished because the person was guilty of heresy, a crime at time. Galileo proved that the sun was at the centre, based on several observations he made about Venus (Woolfson 34). By using the telescope he saw that Venus had similar phases to the moon. The nature of these phases was only explainable if Venus was going around the sun. Through this he found out that Earth orbits around the Sun, proving that the Sun is at the centre. During Nicholas De Cusa’s time in 1401 to 1464, The Catholic Church was not the supreme authority because his views showed that he believed that each religion is of equal value. During Giordano Bruno’s time in 1584, The Catholic Church had a lot of powers sentenced people to death for a crime such as witchcraft (Woolfson 35). Hence, the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysis of Effectiveness of Two Cushions in the Prevention of Heel Essay

Analysis of Effectiveness of Two Cushions in the Prevention of Heel Pressure Ulcers Study - Essay Example At the beginning of the introduction, the researchers presented the facts as to why conducting a study about heel pressure ulcers was important. It is considered as a common problem in clinical practice and is deemed burdensome on both human and financial terms. The manifestation of heel pressure ulcers affects the patient both physically and mentally, inclusive of the fact that it adds to the expenses in clinical treatment. Thus, the researchers chose to assess two different cushions in terms of effectiveness in preventing heel pressure ulcers (Braden and Blanchard, 2007). The study has also defined what pressure ulcers are, including the means of how it can be prevented. In general, these measures are to reduce the duration or reduce the magnitude of pressure and shearing forces. In that regard, the researchers analyzed that the reduction of the duration of shear and pressure can be carried out through repositioning the patient or through the use of alternating pressure air mattres ses (Heyneman, et. al, 2009). Since both variables can be reduced through the utilization of a tool that would increase the contact surface of the patient with the underlying support surface. The researchers then elaborated on the products with varying pressure reducing capacity in terms of effectiveness. ... This can be done through putting a pillow under the patient's legs so that the heels would be suspended above the mattress. This method is deemed viable as the heel zone would not be subjected to any pressure, and the pressure is distributed accordingly in the lower leg, as supported by the pillow. The study cited five studies they have acquired in PubMed in reference to the pressure reducing qualities of pillows, as well as each of the product's effectiveness in terms of removing heel pressure ulcers. The studies included were from Smith (1984), De Keyser et al. (1994), Tymec et al. (1997), Cheney (1993) and Collins et al. (2002).     Ã‚  

Astronomy Homework Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Astronomy Homework Assignment - Essay Example Galaxies are not close to each other. Hence, perhaps at one point, there were star clusters at one place and galaxies closer to each other. The brilliant, Greek mathematician and astronomer, Eratosthenes of Cyrene had an easier way of using geometry in determining the size of the earth (Woolfson 22). He assumed that the sun was miles away, perhaps compared to the distance between the ancient city Cyrene and Alexandria in Egypt where he was the chief librarian. Hence, concluding that the rays from the sun at these locations must have been parallel. There is an error in this assumption because the sun is in constant motion and Cyrene is also due south of Alexandria. Hence, such parallel angles in locations, as he suggested are likely to change. Though Ptolemaic system had several observable failings, it still remained as an accepted science for more than 1800 years (Woolfson 24). Perhaps it is because it was a geocentric model which had unanswerable questions which were mostly based on rational reasoning. In addition, the Catholic Church in the middle ages had supreme authority and had widely accepted Ptolemy’s philosophy. Therefore, any person opposed to the geocentric system got punished because the person was guilty of heresy, a crime at time. Galileo proved that the sun was at the centre, based on several observations he made about Venus (Woolfson 34). By using the telescope he saw that Venus had similar phases to the moon. The nature of these phases was only explainable if Venus was going around the sun. Through this he found out that Earth orbits around the Sun, proving that the Sun is at the centre. During Nicholas De Cusa’s time in 1401 to 1464, The Catholic Church was not the supreme authority because his views showed that he believed that each religion is of equal value. During Giordano Bruno’s time in 1584, The Catholic Church had a lot of powers sentenced people to death for a crime such as witchcraft (Woolfson 35). Hence, the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Summer Song Essay Example for Free

The Summer Song Essay When youre are young, it feels like life will carry on forever, and youre very happy. Immortal is used to reveal the boys inflated egos, as they show off to each other and Linda. Price shell have to pay This is adding to the idea of repaying debts, which is mentioned throughout the play, referring to different characters. It could also be a slight mention of Mrs Johnstone, Mickeys mother who gave birth to them both. She is still attached to both of them, even going so far as to give a locket with her picture to Edward, who is now Mrs Lyons son. What fate the later seasons bring, This is adding to the metaphor of the lambs in spring. It is hinting towards the inevitable fate of the slaughter house that lambs face, which the boys soon will. It is mentioned to worry the audience. The lyrics that fit into the foreshadowing category are: Young, free and innocent, This is to emphasise that the boys are still children. Chippy This tells us that Mickey is nearing the end of his life. In the Its just a game scene, Mickey is threatened by frying in chip shop fat, so this is a signal that the boys he will die soon. Last cigarette Cigarettes are associated with death. Last cigarette is a prisoners last luxury before theyre hanged. Its also an allusion to the biblical last supper. Ferry boat This is the idea that the three are being taken to the land of the dead on the River Styx. Broken bottles in the sand, Broken bottles in the sand are hidden, and when you accidentally stand on them they surprise you. This is referring to how unaware the children are of their futures. Oil in the water This brings ideas of pollution, and corruption and spreading fate. Oil and water dont mix, they will always separate. This is like Mickey and Edwards friendship. The use of we in the final paragraph reminds us that we are powerless, and it is the narrator letting us know that hes in the same situation as us, unable to let the characters know of their fate. We do not know whether he is being sarcastic, or would actually like to let them know. Predict no changes in the weather, This reminds us that this happy summer will come to an end. The song is made up of rhyming couplets, which make it sound childish, and adds a sense of finality, so after the last rhyme, you know its over. For young, free and innocent, theres one word for each child. It also makes them seem vulnerable. You know that the innocence will be lost after the song. dreams and fifteen. Have a jarring Para rhyme which interrupts quickly, like what will happen to their lives. The tune of the Summer Song is the first and the last song, Tell me its not true repeated in different themes. Our minds are taken back throughout the previous moments of the play and the first scene when we see Mrs Johnstone with the two dead boys. This connects the audience more to the characters, making it feel harder when the boys die. It suggests that this has happened before, and will happen again. After the first verse there is a pause in the music, to emphasise the narrators last words, The price shell have to pay for just being there. The audience dwells on the idea of the debt that Linda will have to repay, to make up for Mrs Johnstones debt. The line after the pause: But leave them alone, let them go and play, implies that summer is the peak of the year, when everything is at its best, and by the end of it everything is fully developed. It makes you think of leisure, fun, warmth and life. Unfortunately its fleeting, and is soon over, giving way to autumn when everything is wasting away, withering. Some of the lyrics could be portrayed as sarcastic. The song starts in Paradise, and then goes to a chip shop, then darkness, then a filthy beach. The environment seems to get worse and worse. It makes you wonder where they will be next. The first verse is played with a guitar and fairground music and the second is a sleazy saxophone, which clashes with what the narrator is telling us about them being innocent. The last verse is said in a wishful tone, which makes us regretful because we know that these innocent, promising children will soon be dead. At the start of the song, when the children rush on, it gives you an idea of their carefree nature. The narrator interacts with the children throughout the scene. When he is the rifle range man in the first verse, he offers the gun to the children, as if he is slyly hinting at their future. When Linda takes it and misses all three shots, we realise how they have changed, because when they were younger Linda was an excellent shot. The narrator throws them a coconut, and they begin a game of piggy-in-the-middle and Linda gets caught in the middle, at which point they freeze. This is when the narrator talks about the girl in the middle of the pair, the price shell pay just for being there. It emphasises and foreshadows that she will have to choose between the two. The theme of debt shows through here, with the debt transferring to Linda. In the next verse we see them lighting a cigarette, leaning on the lamppost, and suiting their actions to the words. It has a much more grown up feel than the previous verse. In the fourth verse they are at the beach, taking pictures, the first of the two boys, the second of Edward and Linda and the third of Mickey and Linda. Edward and Lindas seem much more genuine and well matched. Then the narrator takes a picture of the three. This makes the audience wish that the children knew of their futures and it makes the picture look empty, and meaningless. When the three exit he says, and only if the three of them could stay like that forever, As if the picture he took could have been more than just a snapshot. It makes you wish time could have stopped. The music of the song is matched to the actions and words. The narrator is always hovering in the background, waiting for a chance to become part of the scene. He is a constant presence throughout so the audience are never relaxed. They are always waiting for him to introduce another twist in the story. Before the Summer Song, he is quite far away, usually in a corner. During it though, he is allowed to come closer to them, and his threats become much more dangerous. The devils got your number hes staring through your window changes to Hes screaming right inside you. The proximity of the narrator to the characters affects the tension of the scene. The overall message of the play is that the inequality of classes is very bad thing, which is enforced as we watch the brothers grow from babies to men, and watch them die. We become attached to them, and regret their death, almost as if its our own fault. The song is when they make the transition from boys to men, and when they become their own people and their true feelings begin to show. Mickey represents the lower class, and Edward the higher. Linda is temptation and the narrator is fate. We see the lower class and the upper class tear each other apart. The second act is darker, as the dream world of child hood, which is reflected in the first half of the summer song, becomes the cold harsh reality of the 80s. I think that the message that Russell wanted to imprint upon the audience is: class is a cruel thing, tearing family and friends apart. The play made me feel sad, and shocked by how Mickey was driven mad enough to shoot his own brother.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Biographical Analysis Of President Bill Clinton Politics Essay

A Biographical Analysis Of President Bill Clinton Politics Essay For this assignment we chose as a subject: A President and his reign. We chose President Bill Clinton. We chose this subject, because we both once heard about Bill Clinton in the news and we also have read about him, but we didnt know a lot about him. So we were interested in the life of Bill Clinton and why he became president and what he has done for the United States of America. Our main question is: What has Bill Clinton done for the United States to keep the American Dream alive, when he was the president. We try to make a conclusion by the help of some sub-questions. Questions like: What were the most important decisions of Bill Clinton? And what were the initiatives of Bill Clinton. Early life Bill Clinton was born at the Julia Chester Hospital in Hope, in the state of Arkansas. Bill Clintons full name is William Jefferson Blythe III. His Father was William Jefferson Blythe Jr..His father died in a automobile accident three months before the birth of Bill. His mother, Virginia Dell Cassidy, traveled to New Orleans in order to study nursing. She left Bill behind by his grandparents, Eldridge and Edith Cassidy, in Hope. The grandparents of bill had their own grocery store. Shortly after her return in 1950, the mother of Bill married Roger Clinton. Roger owned together with his brother an automobile dealership in Hot Springs, also in the state of Arkansas. So the family moved to Hot Springs. In Hot Springs, Bill went to St. Johns Catholic Elementary School, Ramble Elementary School and the Hot Springs High School. There were two influential moments in Bills life that were important for him to become a public figure. The first one was his visit to the White House where he met President John F. Kennedy. The other moment was that he had listened to the I Have a Dream speech of Martin Luther King. Both moments took place in 1963. College years Bill Clinton received a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. in 1968. Also he won a Rhodes Scholarship to University College Oxford. In Oxford Bill studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics. He didnt received a degree there, because of switching programs and leaving early for Yale University. At Yale Law School, Bill obtained a Juris Doctor degree in 1973. At Yale he also met Hillary Rodham and they began dating. Bill and Hillary Married on October 11, 1975. And on February 27, 1980 Chelsea, their only child, was born. Bill took a job with the 1972 McGovern campaign and was chosen to lead McGoverns effort in Texas. He worked at the McGovern campaigns local headquarters in Dallas. In Dallas he worked with Ron Kirk (elected twice as the mayor of Dallas), Ann Richards (future governor of Texas) and Steven Spielberg (then an unknown television director and future filmmaker). Early carrier After his graduation from Yale Law School, Bill became a law professor at the University of Arkansas. After this he ran for the House of Representatives. He was beaten by John Paul Hammerschmidt. In 1976, Bill was elected Arkansas Attorney General. After this, Clinton was elected as the 40th Governor of Arkansas in 1978. He defeated the Republican candidate Lynn Lowe. In 1980 Clinton lost the elections from Frank D. White. The next two years Clinton worked on a comeback. He succeeded to become the 42th Governor of Arkansas. He had this position for six periods. In 1992, Clinton made himself selectable for the elections of 1992. The old President George H.W. Bush was seen as unbeatable, because of the victory of the Gulf War. That is also the reason why all kinds of Democrats didnt take part in the elections. During the pre-election, Clinton was up against the other Democrats Jerry Brown and Paul Tsongas. Clinton won the pre-election with the most of the votes. With this he won the nomination of the Democratic Party. He chose Senator Al Gore of Tennessee as his Running mate. Thanks to the bad economy, a tax raise and his charisma, Clinton won together with Al Gore the elections of 1992. The election of Clinton ended twelve years of Republican rule and twenty of the previous twenty-four years. Democrats were given full control of the United States Congress. After the Jimmy Carter presidency in the late 1970s, this was the first time this had taken place. Presidency First term 1993 1997 After Franklin D. Roosevelt, Clinton was the first democrat who was president for two full presidencies. Bill Clinton was inaugurated as the 42th President of the United States on January 20, 1993. He announced his intention to raise taxes to cap the budget deficit. Clinton unveiled his economic plan on February 17, 1993. His plan focused on deficit reduction rather than a middle-class tax cut. When Clinton took office as president of the United States, he signed the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. An act that made large companies to allow employees to take unpaid leave in case of a serious medical problem, pregnancy or when there were problems in the family. This was his first campaign promise he had fulfill. Another campaign promise of his was allowing openly homosexuals to serve in the army. Clinton had criticism from both left an from right. Left because the though Clinton was too tentative in promoting gay rights and right who dont allow homosexuals to serve the army. After a long discussing between Bill Clinton and the Pentagon, they decided to the Dont ask, dont tell policy. So long as homosexuals dont tell that they have feelings for the same gender, they may serve the army. Some advocates for gay rights criticized Clinton that he only made this campaign promise to get more votes, because the thought that he didnt went far enough. Clinton singed also in the law the Brady Bill, on November 30, 1993. This applies a five-day waiting period on the purchases of a handgun. Clinton expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is a subsidy for workers with a low-income. Also during the 90s the Clinton administration pushed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (a public government sponsored enterprise) to support more lending in low-income communities. They also used the Community Reinvestment Act to push banks to do the same. In August 1993, Bill Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. This act cuts the taxes for fifteen million families with a low-income, it mad tax cuts available to 90% of small companies and raised the taxes on the wealthiest of the taxpayers. The administration of Clinton launched the first official website of the White House, on October 21, 1994. The website was follow by three other version which result in the final edition, that was launched in 2000. The website was part of a wider movement toward communication were web-based. It opened the American government to more of the American people than ever before. Bill Clinton supported the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) by the Senate. He strongly supported free trade measures and most of his Democratic Leadership Committee allies, however there were a lot of disagreements in the party itself. The treat was confirmed by the Senate and was signed into the law on January 1, 1994. Between 1992 and 1994 the Democrats had a big influence. But during the mid-term elections of 1994, they lost the majority in the White House and the Senate. This was the first time in 40 years. The important reason for this was the failed attempt from Hillary Clinton to create an universal coverage using a national health care reform plan. This was the first major defeat of Clintons administration. To reduce illegal immigration, Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. The U.S Commission on Immigration Reform wants to reduce legal immigration to about 550.000 a year. In 1997 Senators Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch teamed up with Hillary Clinton and her staff to form the Childrens Health Insurance Program and they succeeded. Hillary also caused that the Adoption and Safe Families Act went through the Congress and two years later she succeeded in passing the Foster Care Independence Act. The President supported both. Second term 1997-2001

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Battle of the Somme Essay -- Papers

The Battle of the Somme The Battle of the Somme involved the main allied attack on the Western Front in the 1st World War. It is mainly famous due to the loss of 58,000 British troops on the first day of battle (1st July 1916). The attack ran from 1st July until 18th November and was located upon a 30-kilometre front, from North of the Somme River between Arras and Albert. The offensive was planned earlier in 1915 and was intended to be a joint Franco-Anglo attack. The French Commander in Chief, Joffre, said that the aim was to drain the German forces of reserves, however territorial gain also had some input. Sir Douglas Haig was the Commander in Chief of the BEF who would be conducting the major offensive in 1916. Originally, although the British forces made up the bulk of the offensive forces, the attack was to be predominantly French. However the German siege on Verdun at the beginning of 1916 resulted in the diversion of almost all-French manpower and efforts as Falkenhayn had promised to bleed France white. This changed the intent of the Somme attack and the French ordered the planned date (1st August 1916) to be bought forward to 1st July, the aim now to divert the Germans from Verdun to the defence of the Somme. Haig now had no choice but to take charge of the attack in Joffre's absence. He used both the ideas of himself and those of General Rawlinson. On Saturday 24th June the attack proceeded by an eight-day preliminary bombardment on the German lines. The expectation being that all forward German defences would be destroyed leaving the at... ...Battle of the Ancre where the field fortress of Beaumont Hamel was captured. The British were finally progressing, but even this was bought to a halt when extremely bad weather caused the Somme offensive to end. The result had been an estimated 420,000 British casualties, a further 200,000 for the French and around 500,000 for the Germans and all for only 12 kilometres of land in Britain and Frances favour. Over 1 million lives were lost in this battle alone and all the Somme offensive was designed for was to divert German attention from the French at Verdun. Some believe this battle acted as a learning curve in the employment of artillery, which contributed to the victory in 1918. In my opinion it shows the severity and pointlessness of war. Hardly anything was achieved apart from the loss of thousands of lives.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Magic Realism in Wise Children by Angela Carter Essay -- Wise Children

Magic Realism in Wise Children by Angela Carter Magical realism is a primarily Latin American literary movement from the 1960s onwards, which integrates realistic portrayals of the ordinary with elements of fantasy and myths. The result of this is a rich but disturbing world that appears at once to be very dreamlike. The term ‘magical realism’ was first used by German art critic, Franz Roh, who said it was a way of depicting ‘the enigmas of reality’ and literary critic Isabel Allende has said that ‘in magic realism we find the transformation of the common and the everyday into the awesome and the unreal. It is predominantly an art of surprises. Time exists in a kind of fluidity and the unreal happens as part of reality. Once the reader accepts the fait accompli, the rest follows with logical precision.’ Many critics have associated Angela Carter’s style of writing with magical realism, a term which refers to a writer portraying imaginary or improbable elements in a realistic, ordinary way. The novel conforms to the device of magical realism through the use of references and allusions to Shakespeare: there are five chapters, just as there are always five acts in a Shakespearean comedy; Dora and Nora live on Bard Road; art imitates life when Ranulph plays Othello, later catches his wife in bed with someone else and kills them and himself; also, Tiffany is a reflection of Ophelia, driven mad by love, when she has a breakdown on a live TV game show; there are disguises, twins, mistaken identities and love problems, all key elements of Shakespearean comedy. This kind of intertextuality is a subtle manifestation of magical realism. All the Shakespearean-style villainy, comic relief and intricate plot elemen... ...down to earth when Dora mentions that a zookeeper came soon after with a net to recapture the beautiful insects. This is a perfect example of magical realism. As mentioned before, magical realism has its dark and disturbing side, and this is apparent in Wise Children. When Saskia, Dora’s enemy, is a little girl, she is seen savagely devouring the carcass of a roasted swan. Later in life, Saskia becomes a TV cook and seems to take sadistic pleasure in disembodying animals. Magical realism is combined with carnivalesque literature in Wise Children to create a flamboyant, theatrical world within a humble, earthy reality. Both genres compliment each other in the novel, as both involve fantasy-like events and nightmarish imagery, and elaborate, rational explanations are used by Carter to encourage readers to suspend their disbelief, if only for a moment.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Paper Against School Prayer

The term â€Å"school prayer† is understood to refer to a state sanctioned prayer in public school classrooms. This would mean either that the state allowed for a time of prayer in the classroom, and/or a set of allowed invocation to be led either by the teacher or one of the students.Actually, school prayer has been a part of American classrooms for more than a century until the Supreme Court ousted such a practice in 1962 and 1963 (Neiberger, par. 13). From the time that such a practice was declared to be contrary to the first amendment establishment and free exercise clauses, the issue never really died down.Some people rejoiced over the eradication of such an exercise, while others have continuously blamed the present moral crises and poor SAT scores on the elimination of school prayer (Gaylor, par. 23). In this paper, I would want to argue that the elimination of school prayer is true to the essence of the American Constitution.   I will argue on this point by showing t he constitutional and legal bases of claim.The Legal Bases of the Abolition of School PrayerThe First Amendment specifically says that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion [known as the Establishment Clause] or prohibiting the free exercise thereof [known as the Free Exercise Clause]† (The Constitution of the United States). The Establishment Clause acts as the guardian for the separation of Church and State, while the Free Exercise Clause protects the right of individuals to practice religion or to not practice any at all (â€Å"School at Prayer: A Community at War,† par.1). The Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause guarantees the right of religious practice of everyone, and that means students included, but such a practice should not interfere nor infringe on the free exercise of others. In the school setting, this would mean that â€Å"Students have the right to engage in voluntary individual prayer that is not coerc ive and does not substantially disrupt the school's educational mission and activities† (Anti-Defamation League, par.2). This also means that teachers may not, acting in their office as teachers, promote any religion nor initiate or encourage prayer among the students: â€Å"When acting in their official capacities as representatives of the state, teachers, school administrators, and other school employees are prohibited by the Establishment Clause from encouraging or discouraging prayer, and from actively participating in such activity with students† (US Department of Education).  As a public school teacher, neutrality to religions would have to be practiced; one’s individual faith or lack of it should not intervene in the exercise of neutrality in schools. To make our point clear, we could cite some cases that should exemplify this neutrality at the same time this right to free exercise of religion. The Anti-Defamation League gave some examples so that this p oint could be understood. We would cite some of these examples.A student may, in the exercise of her religion, pray personally inside the classroom or before eating meals as long as such an exercise is neither disruptive nor coercive. This would mean that a student may not pray when being called upon for recitation. This would also mean that students may not broadcast prayers in the school intercom. Forcing other co-students to pray or to engage in some other religious activities would likewise be unconstitutional.A student-initiated and school sanctioned prayer before an athletic event or similar activities would clearly be coercive at the same time potential exclusive of students who do not practice any religion or whose religious foundations are radically different from those students who have initiated the prayer. The same caution should also be practiced by the faculty members and staff. The case of Central Valley High School football championship was cited as an exemplifying c ase.On the day of the Central Valley High School football championship, the coach gave the traditional pep talk to the Bulldogs, and afterwards asked his team to do a prayer together. Richard Nelson, an atheist student, felt uncomfortable. The coach simply told him that he could either not join in the prayer or step out for while as the remaining members of the team do their prayer. In such a case, the coach’s actuations would clearly be unconstitutional since promoting prayer would be endorsing a religion, or at the very least, religiosity. It is the coach’s responsibility to remain neutral. His actions showed partiality, and at the same time isolated Richard Nelson from the team.Another case that is worth citing would be the case of Jessica Lewis. Jessica Lewis makes it a point to pray during recess and even engages her classmates into a religious conversation. The school officials were alarmed and hence forbade Jessica from praying and engaging in religious conversa tions during recess. Actually, the school officials should not keep Jessica from praying and engaging in such conversations as long as her practices are not disruptive nor coercive.As long as she does not interfere in school activities and does not force her classmates to converse with her, there would be nothing unconstitutional in Jessica’s actions. In this case, Jessica’s acts would not constitute school prayer; it would plainly be a voluntary, personal prayer that is fully protected by the Free Exercise Clause.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Learning and Determination Essay

What keeps you motivated to go the extra mile even when you want to give up? What helps you get through hard times and accomplish everything you want? Determination is why we get up in the morning. It is what drives us to do what we want to do. Everyone is driven by his or her own determination to be successful in life. The people that are determined to achieve various goals in life are known to succeed in all areas of their life. Determination isn’t a word that you can define with a sentence, it is a word that has plenty different meanings. People will always tell you that you can’t make it, and that you aren’t good enough. They will try to bring you down, so you won’t reach your highest potential. When I was in middle school, one of my teachers told me that I wouldn’t pass eighth grade and that I didn’t have it in me to make it to college. I believed her at the time. Throughout middle school, I was in a program where they helped students with learning disabilities. I was in this program, called Discovery. I always thought that I was unintelligent and couldn’t do anything on my own. Hence, I believed my teacher and had that mindset throughout middle school. As I got older, I learned that people learned differently from other people. It might have taken me longer to learn the subject, but I eventually learned it. Since then, I have been determined to prove that teacher wrong and to prove to myself that I can make it as I long as I put the work in. Determination means to have a strong intention to achieve a certain purpose; to have a strong will power to finish anything you put your mind. Determination is putting everything you have to make yourself better. Determination is putting the extra work in to further yourself. In my family, every person is musically gifted. My parents believe that each kid should know how to play one instrument, if not more. Therefore, when I was in fifth grade, I was obligated to start playing an instrument. I chose to play the clarinet. Learning to play the clarinet was very hard. I was the worst player out of the clarinet section; I sucked. The other students in the band were learning their instrument pretty fast. I started to feel left out because I couldn’t keep up with them. At times I wanted to quit, but I didn’t. I stuck with it. I started to practice every single day. I asked my mother if she could arrange for me to have private lessons. I was determined to get better, so I did everything a fifth grader could. All the extra time I put in, started to pay off. I was working my way to being the first chair in the clarinet section and just becoming a great musician. Determination is one of the greatest assets we can possess. It can bring the best out in us. Determination is the tool we use to defeat discouragement. My teacher told me that I would never be anything. So, I am determined to put everything I have into school and every aspect of my life. Determination is the instrument we use to overcome brief failures to prevent failures from becoming permanent. Determination is what we have to set goals and achieve them. I wanted to be a great clarinet player, so I put the work in and reached my goal. I was determined to be the best, and that’s what I achieved. Determination is the key to be successful. It drives us to be the best person we can possibly be.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Marketing Plan 3D printing Essay

Objective of this marketing plan for 3D printing is to create awareness to new customers in education industry, increase market share, and provide customized value-added solution to current users. 3D printing is considered a new technology in Singapore, so to achieve the objectives, we proposes Stratasys to make use the lateral diversification strategy. The reason of adopting this strategy is to improve its profitability and sustainability of the organization. The objective may be achieved through 3 phases. In the short-term (1 year), the objective is to create awareness through newspapers, online advertising and live demonstration will be conducted at institutes’ open house events, and where the new students will be introduced to this new technology together. Stratasys can also select some institutes to trial on this printer for 6 months which will helps to augment its marketability and school’s perception of the product. In the mid to long term (2 to 4 year) the objective is to provide customization and value-added solution to institutes that have been consistently using our products and services. Customization will be offered to meet institutes’ requirement and we can offered includes product training and customer consultation on the printers that are offered to them. Stratasys can also provide maintenance, repair service and improving product safety as an additional value-added solution. This will aid in promoting more institutes to use 3D printing in product development through word-of-mouth recommendation. In the long term (4 years onwards) the technology will be well recognized in the minds of the most institution, and this will enable Stratasys to gain loyal customers. With an increase in market share, Stratasys will be able to fine-tune on the price offered to make it affordable to allow more users to explore the technology, and also created more applications for it. For example, smaller printers will be produced to cater to small companies, and sector specific types for dental, aerospace, and medical. Ultimate goal will be gaining competitive advantage in the marketplace. Marketing Mix Marketing mix was designed as a simple way to focus attention on the main elements of marketing for a business and to create a marketing strategy to  the business, products or services. The traditional of marketing mix consists of four main elements which is product, price, place and promotion. They are the combination of marketing efforts that to meet and satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. But in a modern world, marketers have developed to seven P’s of marketing mix, which comprises the former 4P’s and added people, physical evidence and process. (, 2013) Products Stratasys has three main series of printers which is cater for different purposes. Idea Series printers bring 3D printers to smaller teams and individual, which allows them to utilize 3D printer within their financial budget. For this series of printers, it will be suitable for institutes that offered jewellery designs course. As for design series printers, it helps to improve on communication, collaboration and problem solving. With the use of photopolymer materials, it helps to create flexibility and confidence in product presentation. It is definitely more suitable for institutes that have offered product design offered. This will helps the students in completing and exhibiting their final products. Lastly is production series, it provides speed, accuracy and efficiency at an affordable cost. As for this series, it will be catering for engineering students. Each series of 3D printers will benefit institutes in reducing time, cost and increase of accuracy and efficiency. Apart from individual printer purchase, we do offer customized bundle packages for customers who wish to purchase more than a printer. Price Pricing plays an important role as it determines the revenue generated, therefore, price has to be attractive and affordable. Price of 3D printers that Stratasys offered depends on the size and purpose of the printers. The price strategy used is differential pricing strategy. Stratasys can adjust pricing based on various situations and circumstances. Price for new consumers will always start high and gradually lower if bundle packages are purchased or bulk buying. Price that customers are paying is not only for printer, but also the after-service. Offering discounts or additional value-added service will make the business more attractive to the business. Stratasys can offer more affordable 3D printers and bundle package offering  to institutes that purchase more printers and materials. Processes This is the process element how the service is delivered to the customers. Stratasys can implement a customer service to help monitor on new customers’ progress on the products and offer provides servicing to all new customers before their warranty for the printers are expiring. This will make customers feel importance and this will help to build up their confidence in our products and services offered. Promotion A Online Marketing – Facebook and You tube The main objective of promotion is to create awareness of a product or service. Promotion is the communicating information about your product or  service to generate a positive response from your customer. Online marketing is critical to business in this current society. With reference to Chart B, currently approximately 90% of Singapore resident are users in Facebook. It is important that Stratasys will use this medium to create communication on 3D printing technology. Most students in Singapore have a Facebook account, thus they are able to view Facebook Chart B – Facebook Users in Singapore B Event Road Show This is a different marketing strategy, compared to digital marketing. This marketing strategy requires physical demonstration and explanation of 3D printers at an event. This will attract the curiosity of potential customer that is new and curious to this technology. For such events, well-trained staffs will be present to demonstrate the advantage of 3D printing technology and help to resolve on consumers’ questions. C Youtube Youtube is an online media streaming website which users are able to access internationally. It is considered an inexpensive advertisement media to market products and services as the resources require are only computers, video camera and internet connection. Stratasys can upload videos on 3D printing into Youtube which will create more awareness internationally. Users will then use mouth-of-words to share this video with their families and friends, thus it will broaden the publicity of 3D printers to new customers.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Adolf Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Ideology Essay

Adolf Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Ideology - Essay Example Anti-Semitism and the idea of white supremacy were not new ideas in the 1920s and 1930s. Hitler’s tortuous ideology about a superior â€Å"Aryan† race in need of living space and liberation from corrupting non-Aryan, i.e. Jewish, influences tapped into ideas that had been around for many decades, if not centuries. The German nation felt a sense of disillusionment and betrayal after losing the 1914-18 War and was looking for a reason why their soldiers had failed to win the war. The ruling elite of the old German Empire had largely survived into the years of the Weimar Republic and therefore they were not held in great respect by the German people. Hitler’s theories of a betrayed superior race, facing a common enemy in the â€Å"Jew†, tapped into that feeling of betrayal and made sense to many disillusioned and impoverished Germans, often from the lower middle classes. Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the government of the Weimar Republic in 1923 – an act of treason – therefore did not damage him in the eyes of many Germans but added to his credibility and hero status. Germans were in desperate need of a leader figure – a fà ¼hrer – and Hitler’s charismatic approach made sense to the masses who were not looking for intellectual debates but seemingly longed for explanations why their once great nation was at its knees. A scapegoat for all evils was needed and found in the â€Å"Jew†. Germany’s old ruling (then still often identical with aristocratic) classes looked upon Hitler and his organizations of brown shirts (SA) and SS and the party wing, the NSDAP, with disdain and the belief that they would be able to contain and control them.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Entrepreneurship in the global evironment Essay

Entrepreneurship in the global evironment - Essay Example His entrepreneurial prowess is evident from his engineering work and being an inventor of dual cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner, roles that have made him allegedly over 1 billion pound rich. Dyson’s idea of vacuum cleaners started back in 1970 when he innovated his first product named the sea truck and later he invented the ball barrow, which resembled a modified wheelbarrow. Dyson faced some challenges in marketing his product in the United Kingdom since no distributor was willing to distribute his product because of fear that his vacuum cleaners would overtake the replacement cleaner bags. He then opted to launch his product in Japan where he made profitable returns and even won the international design fair prize in Japan, in 1991. As a result of manufacturers failing to sell his product, Dyson decided to take that as a challenge and set up his own company in 1993 in a small town named Malmebury. Luckily, in 2005, Dyson’s vacuum cleaners were leading in sales in the Un ited States and employment had increased in Malmebury by 1,200. Indeed, Dyson was awarded with the Queen’s award for enterprise for the outstanding growth and success abroad (Loch, 2008, pp 119,120). According to BBC News (2006), after dyson received a Knighthood, he told BBC that he is an entrepreneur who produces things that people want to buy. He adds that he has failed 5,126 times and has learnt that success alone teaches one nothing, but failures teach someone everything, since when one makes a mistake, he/she learns from that mistake to better on the product. According to BBC News (2006), by then, the company had 1400 staff in the United Kingdom and 4,000 workers placed in Malaysia plants. Therefore, Dyson is the best choice of an entrepreneur, since he has come a long way by putting his innovation into practice, beaten all odds of marketing, and failed numerous times before achieving the best and being contented with his products. Why James Dyson is classified as an en trepreneur According to Bolton (2004, p. 134), â€Å"Dyson is another entrepreneur who has challenged the industry giants with a revolutionary of vacuum cleaner, since his dual cyclone cleaner has a UK market share in excess of 50% and his international sales are prospering.† The main admirable aspect of Dyson as an entrepreneur is that he is always innovative and creative, thus focuses on what the customers want, and he always desires to improve his products. Dyson has also proved to be a risk taker, since he invested his resources on his dream of appropriate vacuum cleaners. Finally, he succeeded and his returns tell it all. Dyson’s idea of a vacuum cleaner started back in 1979 when he was only 31 years of age. At that time, he needed a machine that would separate particles from air. He faced many challenges, one of them being that manufacturers rejected his idea, since they did not want his machine to interfere with the replacement dust bags market. In 2000, Dyson m anaged to launch the dual cyclone cleaner that used battery to operate. He later launched a washing machine with the ability to spin and almost dry clothes. These were some of his achievements after being rejected by other manufacturers (Bolton, 2004 pp 135, 136). Dyson portrays the spirit of a true entrepreneur, since entrepreneurship is about opportunities and risks in business. Successful entrepreneurs usually spot an opportunity especially where others