Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Globalization and Local/Regional Economy Essay
Globalization as defined by World Bank is the increasing integration of ââ¬Å"economies and societies world wideâ⬠(ââ¬Å"World Bank Group,â⬠2001). Globalization is also perceived as a process or a trend wherein economically speaking, the money flows in the international market unconstrained and capital is reorganized allowing a maximization of profit (Robinson, 2004, n. p). On the other hand, culturally speaking, globalization has the capacity to integrate, adopt, and influence diverse cultures and the power to remove cultural barriers (Rothkop, 1997, n. p). Considering the fact that globalization is crossing over geographical borders, such trend is greatly affecting local and regional affairs at the same time. Las Vegas, Nevada also known as ââ¬Å"The Sin Cityâ⬠is the worldââ¬â¢s entertainment capital (ââ¬Å"Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority,â⬠2008). Also famous for its casinos and different recreational activities, the city caters to various people. According to the 2005 U. S. Census Bureau data, the total population of Las Vegas is 538,653 wherein 273,147 people 16 years and above are in the labor force (ââ¬Å"Las Vegas Government,â⬠2007). This figure shows how financially advantageous it is to invest capital in Las Vegas and to establish business there. Aside from that, the same survey conducted by the U. S. Census Bureau shows that the population of Las Vegas is very diverse such that many people from all over the world resides or works there. There are Asians, Latin Americans, African Americans and Americans (ââ¬Å"Las Vegas Government,â⬠2007). What is the significance of the cityââ¬â¢s diverse cultural affiliates and its highly advantageous economic status? Taking the concept of globalization into consideration, noting the importance of Las Vegasââ¬â¢ society will be very beneficial for the domestic affairs and stability of the city. Las Vegas is filled with entertaining games and activities like casinos, amusement parks and bars. These can open opportunities for the city to promote its services to the global arena. As characterized by globalization, the flow of money towards Las Vegas will be unconstrained since many investors in the international market see a great advantage in placing their stocks in the businesses held in Las Vegas like in the hotels and casino gaming industry. Aside from the flow of money via the negotiations in the international market, the city also employs cash from the local market through their visitors and tourists availing their services. Through all these economic undertakings, the people in the local and regional areas of Las Vegas will really benefit since there is a high inflow of cash and greater socio-cultural development projects for the people. In relation to the socio-cultural implication of the services and some goods in Las Vegas, there is also the observable manifestation of globalization. As what was stated earlier, globalization includes overcoming territorial boundaries and crossing over. Statistics show that in Las Vegas, 19. 4% of the residents are also foreign language speakers aside from being English speakers (ââ¬Å"Las Vegas Government,â⬠2007). This means that many of the people in Las Vegas are foreigners who also avail the goods and services in the city. Moreover, since there is a huge influx of Latin Americans in the U. S. , the said trend also spills-over in Las Vegas where many Latin Americans work in shops and also holds businesses there. Also, through Las Vegasââ¬â¢ theatre, arts, music, cuisine and other cultural undertakings, they are also able to transcend borders right at their very city where various performers and artists from around the world presents (ââ¬Å"Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority,â⬠2008). It is observable from this analysis of Las Vegasââ¬â¢ cultural and economic affairs that globalization is, indeed, an international trend and is greatly affecting the local agenda of states. It is therefore important to not always be reminded of the influence of globalization when a state is creating their policies both in the economic and socio-cutural aspects. References Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. (2008). Las Vegas. Retrieved May 6, 2008 from http://www. vegas. com/. Las Vegas Government. (2007). Facts and Statistics. Retrieved May 6, 2008 from http://www. lasvegasnevada. gov/. Robinson, W. (2005). A Theory of Global Capitalism. Maryland: John Hopkins University Press. Rothkop, D. (1997). In Praise of Cultural Imperialism? Effects of Globalization on Culture. Retrieved May 6, 2008 from www. globalpolicy. org/globaliz/cultural/globcult. htm. The World Bank Group. (2001). Globalization. Retrieved May 6, 2008 from htp://www1. worldbank. org/economicpolicy/globalization/.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering with Ansys
Introduction Traditionally, Engineers have used laboratory testing equipment to test the structural behavior of materials. While this method is appreciated and is highly acceptable especially for linear cases the reliance on time consuming and expensive laboratory has hindered progress in the complexity of designed considered. However, the continual rapid advances in computer aided engineering (CAE) over the years have affected this area significantly.In many engineering disciplines, the application of advance finite element tools has not only allowed the introduction of innovative, effective and efficient designs, but also the development of better and more accurate design methods. (M. Mahendren, 2007). In this assignment, an advance Finite element tool (Ansys parametric design Language) is used to analyze the design, material properties, linear stress and modal analysis on components with linear isotropic structural materials.The basis of finite element analysis (FEA) relies on the decomposition of the domain into a finite number of sub-domains (elements) for which the systematic approximate solution is constructed by applying the variation or weighted residual methods (Erdogan Madenci. Ibrahim Guven, 2006). In effect, FEA reduces the problem to that of a finite number of unknowns by dividing the domain into elements and by expressing the unknown field variable in terms of the assumed approximating functions within each element (M. Asghar Bhatti, 2005).These functions (also called interpolation functions) are defined in terms of the values of the field variables at specific points, referred to as nodes. Nodes are usually located along the element boundaries, and they connect adjacent elements. This assignment is a demonstration on how engineers use numerical solutions to refine and validate design in the early stages of product design. For the task1 of this assignment, a bracket with structural isotropic material properties of youngââ¬â¢s Modulus, E=200Gpa , v=0. 3 and .Will be analyze, two things are important to the design engineer, what is the applied force on the material that will cause it to begin to fail given the properties and geometry shown in figure 1A below. At what point does it begin to fail (What point has the maximum stress). Having knowledge of these two factors, the engineer will decide to design the bracket to bear this load without failure or if the load to be applied will be reduce provided the design is not necessary a product or component that must bear such load.At every point in the design, the design engineer is inclined to make decisions that will affect the overall functionality of the Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page1 various components involve in the design. Computer aided engineering , has made sure that the engineer will not pass through the cumbersome experience of conducting laboratory test to determine failure, rather few hours spen d on the workstation ( computer system ) with a hightech finite element software, will not only save time, but the resources involve for every laboratory experiment.And with the integration of CAD modeling software to FEA software, the engineer can actually model the real components and conduct test that are closely related to how the system will perform in its application. Task2 of this assignment is to explore the effect of bending moment and torque and the corresponding, shear stress and normal stress respectively. There are some designs that the engineer has to consider the effect at a particular point, element or component. For this task, we will consider the stress at point A due to the effect of the bending moment and torque produce by the applied force.Task 3 is a modal analysis on a simply supported solid brick; two natural frequencies are to be presented. In design, it is essential that the natural frequency of the system is known so as to find out if the system can perfor m effectively without failure due to resonance (vibration). For this the first natural frequency is important. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page2 Task 1 Figure1A: Bracket Model Analysis steps 1. : Preprocessing Preprocessing involves, preparing the model for analysis, defining the type of analysis, discretization of the model into finite elements. For any analysis in the finite element method, this step is very essential as the result is dependent on this stage. 1. 1: Define element type: For this model, element type 8-node-plane82 is defined. And on the option, plane stress w/thk is selected. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page3 Figure1: showing Element selection with option. . 2: Setting real Constant: The thickness of the model is 10mm. Figure2: Showing Real Constants with thickness 10mm. 1. 3: Material Models: A linear elastic isotropic material i s applied with a Youngââ¬â¢s Modulus of elasticity of 200GPa and Poisson ratio of 0. 3 Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page4 Figure 3: Showing materials model with Youngââ¬â¢s Modulus of elasticity of 200GPa. ( 1. 4: Geometric Model: The steps involve in the modeling bracket to be analyze is shown.To model the geometry correctly, key points are created, lines are created to join the key points, the lines are use to create area, the two circles are drawn and subtracted from the area and so is the slot. 1. 4. 1: Create key points using table 1 below Table 1: key points for bracket KP. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 X 0 30 50 74 74 130 Y 0 0 36 50 25 50 Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page5 7 8 130 0 85 85 0 0 Figure4: key points mapped for bracket 1. 4. 2: Create Line (Preprocessor>>Modeling>>Line>>Straight line: join the keypointsFigure 5: showing line s created from the key points. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page6 Figure 6: Arc created using Larc,3,4,5,25 ( Line arc joining keypoints,3, 4 at center 5 and radius 25mm. ) 1. 4. 3: Create area-(preprocessor>>modeling>>create>>Areas>>Arbitrary>>By lines ) select all lines Figure 7: created area from lines. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page7 1. 4. 4 Create two circles Circle1: x =15, y=15, radius=7. 5 Circle2:x=40,y=62. , radius=7. 5 Cut out the circle from the main area using Preprocessor>>modeling>> Operate>> Boolean>> Subtract (Select the big area and click apply and then the two circles) Figure 8: showing subtracted circular areas. 1. 4. 5: Create the slot- first create the two circles, then the rectangle, use Boolean subtraction operation to cut out the slot. Circle1: x=87. 5, y=67. 5, radius=7. 5; Circle 2: x=112. 5, y=67. 5, r=7. 5 Rectangle: coordinates (87. 5, 60) & (112. 5, 75) Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. WahyudiPage8 Figure 9: showing model with slot 1. 4. 6: mesh: This is a key part of the finite element method. The model is discretized into finite element. This process is necessary as the solution is solved for each element and then a global solution is obtained by combining the result for each element. This involves finding the stiffness matrix for each element, the force matrix for each element, and then obtaining both global stiffness and force matrix. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page9 Figure 10: Meshed Model of the bracketFigure11: Refined mesh model at the slot, circles and arc. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page10 2. 0 Processing (Solution): To obtain the solution for the model, the type of analysis, constraints (di splacement constraints), and the load will be define. This is like defining the boundary conditions. 2. 1: Boundary Conditions (All DOF= 0 at the two circles) Figure 11: Boundary condition (0 displacements to all DOF at the two circles) Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page11 2. Boundary Condition (apply pressure at the slot) Figure 12: Pressure of 19. 26 MPa is applied on the slot 2. 3 Solve the built model to obtain the solution Figure 2. 3: The step use to solve the current Load step Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page12 3. 0 : Post processing In this stage, the result will be listed, plotted and analyzed. Deformed shape to illustrate result has been obtained in the Postprocessor Phase. TASK1B TASK 1B: Maximum Load applied without causing yielding Analytical solution of task1 Free Body Diagram of Bracket W WA L1 0L2 10 47. 5 72. 5 90 Nangi Ebughni Okor ia- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page13 In this analysis, we are going to consider the effect of the uniformly distributed load to act at ? of the width of the bracket; h= 35/2=17. 5mm. First we analyze the system for the shear force, v and bending moment, M. The shear force and bending moment is plotted against x. W is the distributed load along the 25mm slot. is the distribution reaction load along the 10mm length from the center of the circle. ; Sum of vertical forces equals zero ; Where F is the force due to W and ; (i. . I). For the Boundary Condition is the force due to . ) 0 ? x ? 10 < Mx WA x V ; Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page14 ; â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. (2) 10 ? x ? 47. 5 < M wA 10 V FA x ; â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. (3) ; â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â ¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ (4) Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page15 47. 5 ? x ? 72. 5 V 25w 10 < M x ; ; â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ (5) 0; â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ (6) Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page16 ; ; â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. (7) ; â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ (8)Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page17 Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagram Graph of x against shear force v 0 0 -5 -10 10 X-Axis 47. 5 72. 5 90 V-Axis -15 v -20 -25 -30 Figure1B. Shear Force Diagram (Graph) Graph of x against bending Moment M 1600 1400 1200 Axis Title 1000 800 600 400 200 0 M 0 0 10 125 47. 5 1062. 5 72. 5 1375 90 1375 Figure 1C: Bending Moment diagram. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page18 From the shear force and bending moment diagram, it can be observe that at x=47. the shear force is maximum and the bending moment is maximum at the region , however the shear force at this region is zero. So using x=47. 5 as the point where the stress will begin to be maximum (initiate) value, the value of w and F can be obtained there as followed. mm; note that we are using 17. 5 on the assumption that the uniformly distributed load acts at the center of the bracket. Shear stress, ; Note that this is the shear stress due to the effect of the shear force when the bracket is fully restrained at the two circles. Normal stress, Note that the normal stress above is due to the bending moment, M.Now, in other to find the value of w, Von mises failure criterion is applied. First , we calculate the first and seco nd principal stress, since the bracket is subject and to be analyze under plane stress condition. Von Mises stress, , =2. 11075w Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page19 Now by Von Mises Stress Failure Criteria, ; where is the yield strength of the material use for analysis. Since this uniformly distributed load acts at the slot of 25mm, the force that is been applied due to this uniformly distributed load, .For the purpose of analysis of the bracket as presented in the assignment using ansys APDL, this force could be applied as a pressure; Task1B ( II): Where will the stress initiate From the shear force diagram and bending moment diagram above, the stress will initiate ate x=47. 5. This is because at this point the shear force, v is maximum and the moment, M is maximum between 47. 5 to 72. 5. Note that for this calculation, the assumption use is that since the material is a linear isotropic material, the load is linear ly proportional to the stress. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page20 Figure1B. II: showing that the stress will initiate at 47. 5, this also where the maximum stress exist. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page21 Task1C: Maximum Deflection Figure1. 1C: Nodal Displacement plot showing maximum Deflectionof 0. 136653mm The nodal plot above shows that the maximum deflection at the right end of the bracket is 0. 136653mm. I have included deformed shape plot of the bracket to better show how the bracket deformed.Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page22 Figure1. 2C: Deformed shaped & un-deformed shaped of the bracket Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page23 Figure 1. 3C: Deformed shaped of bracket. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page24 Task 1D: Maximum stress The maximum von Mises stress obtained is259. 676MPa. The Von Mises stress failure criterion is use for this analysis. Figure1. 1D: Maximum Von-mises StressVon Mises Failure Criterion The von Mises Criterion (1913), also known as the maximum distortion energy criterion, octahedral shear stress theory, or Maxwell-Huber-Hencky-von Mises theory, is often used to estimate the yield of ductile materials. The von Mises criterion states that failure occurs when the energy of distortion reaches the same energy for yield/failure in uniaxial tension. Mathematically, this is expressed as, Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page25 In the cases of plane stress, s3 = 0. The von Mises criterion reduces to,This equation represents a principal stress ellipse as illustrated in the following figure, Figure 1. 2D: Illustration of Von Mises Theory. Nangi Ebug hni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page26 Figure 1. 2D: Showing position of maximum Von-Mises Stress Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page27 Task1E: Discussion Of result 1E. 1: Discussion on nodal displacement Figure1. 1E: Nodal Displacement Plot From the nodal displacement plot above, it can be observed that the deflection on the left side of the bracket after the circle.The minimum deflection is on the first circle from the right. This is to say that the displacement at this circle is fully restrained, meaning all DOF is zero. The Blue part of the plot shows that there is no deflection. Also a closer look shows that at the right end of the bracket, the displacement is maximum. The plot shows that maximum deflection occurs at the uppermost right node of the bracket. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page28 Figure 1. 3E: Displacement Vector plot showing the direction of the deflection and how the bracket deflect.IE. 2: Discussion of Maximum Stress Distribution Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page29 Figure1. E1:Arrow diagram the stress at different locations Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page30 Figure 1. E2: stress distribution contour plot. Fig. 1. E1 and Fig. 1. E2 shows that the bracket will experience maximum stress around x= 47. 5 mm, this is to say at the stress is maximum. This is in accordance with the manual calculation obtained in Task1B above. Also comparing Figure 1. E1&1.E2 and the bending moment & shear force diagram shown in figure1B and figure 1C above of task 1B, one could conclude that the assumption used for the manual calculation is correct since the min stress on the model is at the 2nd circle. Also the stress at the top circle is mini mal and is increasing from zero to the maximum value of stress at x=47. 5. This result plotted above is when P=19. 26MPa, though this value is slightly higher than the12. 32MPa obtained from the manual calculation the result is similar. The pressure is less at Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. WahyudiPage31 12. 32 because; the assumption use for the calculation was the uniformly distributed load was acting at the center of the slot. In the application of this bracket, one will be careful not to use a pressure greater than 12. 32MPa on it as this may result to yielding. The design engineer ensured that the applied force on the bracket does not initiate a stress greater than the yield strength of the material. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page32 Task2 Analysis of a lever Arm For the assignment component no2, a lever arm is to be analyzed using ansys.The analysis w ill be conducted to determine the Von-Misses stress at element A as shown in fig. 2. 1 below. A force acts on the components at the 38cm component shown. Figure2. 1: Showing a component of lever arm analyzed in this assignment Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page33 2A: Analysis using Ansys Parametric designs Language (Mechanical APDL). Steps in the analysis Preprocessor 2A-1: Define Element type Element Type>> Add>>Solid>>10 node solid 187>>ok Figure2A. : Element type 2A-2: Material Model Material Props>>Material Model>> Structural>>Linear>>Elastic>>Isotropic Young Modulus of 206 X103 N/mm2 is applied. And poison ratio v=0. 3. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page34 Figure 2B: material properties 2A-3 Geometric model Steps in Modeling the Geometry are as followed: 2A-3. 1 Create Key points using the table below Table 2- Table Key Point No 1 2 3 4 X 0 0 50 50 Y 0 19 19 12. 5 Z 0 0 0 0 Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page35 5 6 7 8 355 355 455 455 12. 5 19 19 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 2A-3. 1 Plot of Key points Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page36 2A-3. 2: Create straight Line between the following key points: Kp1&Kp2; Kp2&Kp3; Kp3&Kp4; Kp4& Kp5; Kp5&Kp6; Kp6&Kp7; Kp7&Kp8; Kp8&Kp1. Figure 2A-3. 2: Line Plot 2A-3. 3: Create Line Fillet Preprocessor>Modeling> Create>lines>line Fillet First fillet is created between lines KP3 &KP4 and line KP4& KP5 fillet radius is 3. mm, click apply. Second Fillet is created between line KP4 & KP5 and KP5 & KP6, fillet radius 3. 2mm, click Ok. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page37 Figure 2A-3. 3 Plot of section to show Fillet 2A-3. 4 Create area: The area is created by selecting all the lines Preprocessor>Modeling>Create >Area>Arbitrary>Byline Figure 2A-3. 4: Plot of created area Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page38 2A-3. : Create an extrusion This is to convert the 2D area created to a 3D solid Cylinder Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Area>about Axis Please note that I selected the about axis because we want the extrusion to be alike revolving the area 360o around the axis to be selected. The selected line joining KP1 & KP2 is use as the axis of rotation as this is the center line drawn when the lever arm is dissected into two equal halve from the origin. Figure2A-3. 5: Extrude area about axis Kp1& Kp8 (360o revolution) Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H.Wahyudi Page39 2A-3. 6: create the end point of the arm. Solid cylinder command is use to create this end part. After creating this Volume all the Volumes are added together to form one complete component. Table 3: Features for end part of lever arm Attributes WP X WP Y Radius Depth Part1 405mm 0mm 10mm 380mm Part2 405mm 0mm 10mm -80mm Figure 2A-3. 6: Complete Model Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page40 2A-4: Meshing Figure 2A-4: mesh plot of lever arm. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H.Wahyudi Page41 2A-5: Apply Boundary Conditions The first boundary condition applied is to fully restrain the left end of the lever arm. Displacement on area is used, and the area at the left end of the lever arm is picked. All Degree of freedom (ALL DOF) is set to zero. Lastly, the second boundary condition is applied. A force of 1890N in the negative Y-direction is applied to the right end of the lever arm. (Note that 1890N is use because my passport No. is A3543390A; and the last two digits on my passport no is 90 respectively). 2A-6: Solve the analysis The current load step is solved and result obta ined.To view the obtain result, under postprocessor, click load result and then nodal solution, stress, Von Mises stress. The result is plotted. 2A-7: Refined Mesh: for better result, the mesh is refined at the lines to minimum size of 1 as shown in Figure 2A-7 below. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page42 Figure 2A-6: Refined Mesh Plot Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page43 2A-7: Von-Mises stress at Element A The Von Mises stress obtained at A is 866. 984N/mm2Figure2A-8: Von Mises Plot displaying maximum stress obtained at A to be 866. 984 N/mm2. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page44 Task2B: Analytical Solution Y A Z 35. 5cm B F=1890N Figure2B-1 Free Body Diagram of the lever arm 38cm From Figure2B-1 above, the force on the 38cm cylinder, will cause a torque about element A. C The horizont al line from will be the axis upon which it will act. T V=1890N Ansys result 1 M 2nd result ( change position of F) Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. WahyudiPage45 Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page46 Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page47 No3: Modal Analysis of a simply supported rectangular beam Task3A: Finite Element Model Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page48 Figure 3A. 1 Geometric Model of beam. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page49 Figure3A-2: Mesh Plot of beam Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page50 Task3B: Boundary Condition The boundary condition is applied as followed, on the left side all DOF is se t to zero whereas on the right side only the vertical is set to zero ( i. e. Fy=0). Figure 3B-1: Boundary Conditions on the beam. Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page51 Task 3C: Procedure 3. 1. 1: Element Type: Solid Brick 8-node 45 (Solid45) 3. 1. 2: Material properties Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page52Geometric Modeling Create rectangle Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page53 Operate: Extrude for a length of 5cm which is equal to 0. 05m Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page54 Isometric view of model geometry Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page55 Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page56 First Freq uency: Mode shape Deformed shaped Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page57 Def + Undeformed Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page58 2nd mode shape Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page59 3rd Result Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page60 4th mode shape Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page61 Nangi Ebughni Okoria- Cume42-09/10-00089. , February 2012- MED 305-assigt1: Assessor: H. Wahyudi Page62
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analysis Of The Reasons Of Democratization
Analysis Of The Reasons Of Democratization In general, the reasons of democratization shift in different countries. Samuel P. Huntington raises five main elements to explain his points of view. The author would like to examine how these five factors resulted in the democratization in South Korea and are the exclusive reasons. Besides, does China have difficulty to become a democratic country only because it lacks of these five conditions? Infection results: it means when the other countries start to call for the democracy, the countries nearby would be affected and the citizens would appeal to their government to reform and therefore forms the domino effect. For instance, the third wave in East Europe in 1990ââ¬â¢s and the fourth wave democratization in North Africa in 2011. The collapse of the authoritarian government: when the current regime couldnââ¬â¢t provide the basic need of its people and maintain the order of the politics, civilians will call for the reform and even the revolution to rebuild the democratic reg ime. The collapse of USSR is one of the examples and we can see that due to its serious problem brought by the economic recession. The growth of economic system: the notion of the liberalism indicates that the boost in economic growth will create the richer middle-class which would ask for the opportunities of getting involved in politics. In this kind of situation, the social mobilization and the information will become faster to decrease the legitimacy of the authoritarian government. South Korea and Taiwan belong to this part. The choice of political leaders: one of the crucial keys come from the elites of the ruling classes, especially when the leaders become aware of the transition of the environment makes the democracy is the only cure to maintain the current regime. For instance, the former President of South Africa Frederik Willem de Klerk leaded South Africa to a democratic country. Influence of actors outside of the country: the impact of actions from foreign organizations or countries would construct the pressure to the autocratic regime. For example, the collapse of the Philippine of Marcos regime. The reasons for South Koreaââ¬â¢s democratization The reasons for South Koreaââ¬â¢s democratization are extensive and diversified. We can take our points of view from different angles including economic growth, social structure, political culture and the transition of history. The theory of Huntington elaborate the overall structure enables us to relate different events happened in South Korea to the factors of democratization. The author would like to use Huntington theory as the main stream to explain the reasons of democratization. We can general discover some of the elements of the theory of Huntington are the main reasons to give an impetus to the democratization but some are not. Economic growth is not necessary to become the direct element to democratization of South Korea Just like Huntington mentioned in his book of the third wave, ââ¬Å" An overall correlation exists between the level of economic development and democracy have no level or pattern of economic development is in itself either necessary or sufficient to bring about democratization.â⬠à [ 1 ] à We can conclude from most of the third wave countries that the success of the democratization of third countries that there will be mass middle-class emerging before the formal democratization. This could be proved by the countries in the third wave are mostly the higher developing countries.à [ 2 ] à However, the GDP growth rate in South Korea in 1960 -1980ââ¬â¢s is averagely 8.5-8.9%à [ 3 ] à , which is higher than lots of Latin American countries. But the time of democratization in South Korea was later than Latin American countries. This is explained by Huntington in his article in 1984 that he thought this is an exception.à [ 4 ] à To conclude, Huntington pointed out there might be two reasons; the first one is the tradition Confuci anism emphasize the structure of the social levels, authority, community, and loyalty which postponed the societyââ¬â¢s requests of democracy, and the second reason is because the rapid economic growth happened in a relatively equal income distribution environment. However, when it reached the critical point in 1980ââ¬â¢s, it forced South Korea to begin its democratization.à [ 5 ]
Nursing research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Nursing - Research Paper Example She is normal and not depressed although she retired from her job. Interviewing is similar to courting where two individuals have to agree on something before doing it. Connection between an interviewer and an interviewee can be seen through numerous aspects. In this interview, there was a sound and outstanding connection between the interviewer and the interviewee. This was seen through the attention that the patient gave to the questions that she was asked (Peate, 2010). She held onto her judgments and opened her mind. The patient kept her ears and eyes into what she was asked and held onto her feelings or body language that would indicate any sort of body language. Additionally, the patient remained curious and deferential throughout the interview. When the patient was engaged in the interview, she responded succinctly. The interview took place in the patientââ¬â¢s house, in her living room, on Monday 10th June 2013 at 6pm and took 30 minutes. Part II: General Assessment Whenev er individuals get to the age of 75 and above, they experience changes in their life. Such changes include deterioration of the personââ¬â¢s immune system, memory loss, wear and tear on joints and bones, skin changes and loss of sight. The patient has grey hair, vision loss, walking problems and difficulties in using the bathroom. Eyesight weakens as people get older. Research indicates that at the age of 60, eye cataracts degenerate resulting to weakened sight. Cataracts are cloudy regions in the human eye lens that cause loss of eyesight (Anderson et al, 2010). Cataracts may form and stay small and not affect eyesight while they may become large and affect eye sight. Graying of hair is a clear sign of aging. It can only be understood through delving into biology. Hair color is manufactured by melanin, a protein underneath the skin. When individuals age, the melanin cells also age and start dying out and stop making hair color. Therefore, the color of an aged person turns gray d ue to the loss of color by melanin. She cannot bear to stand in the bathroom since her joints and bones have worn out. Additionally, she needs help in order to take a bath (Anderson, 2010). The patient notes that she cannot walk for long periods and cannot walk too without a walker. The weight bearing joints and bones in an individual wear down as he or she ages. As a result, the weakened bones prevent an individual from walking. These bones could either be infected with arthritis. This results from the wearing off of cartilage in joints and, therefore, leaves the bones to rub against each other (Anderson, 2010). Additionally, the patient noted that she could not hold her bladder and stool. Loss of bladder control, commonly referred as incontinence, is a common disorder among the aged. Statistics indicate that out of 10 aged people, one is likely to have urinal incontinence. However, this problem seems to be more prevalent among women than in men. The patient is aware of her aging c ondition and understands that she cannot carryout normal daily activities without help. This is because she is unable to walk and cannot hold her bladder and stool. This makes it hard and challenging for her to do anything for herself. For instance, she faces difficulties when using the bathroom. This is because she cannot stand for long due to her weak bones and joints. The patient satisfies her basic needs through retirement or work through attending church meetings, hobbies through taking trips,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Standardisation Of 0.02moldm-3 Potassium Permanganate Solution Using Lab Report
Standardisation Of 0.02moldm-3 Potassium Permanganate Solution Using Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (Ammonium Iron (Ii) Sulphate) - Lab Report Example In this experiment, a base (Iron Ammonium Sulphate ââ¬â FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O Mr=392g/mole) will be added to 0.02moldm-3 Potassium Permanganate Solution. In this experiment Manganese reacts with Iron through a redox process by which electrons are transferred from one to the other. In this experiment, Mn goes from a +7 state (MN+7) to a +2 state (Mn+2) ââ¬â i.e. each Mn+7 picks up 5 electrons ââ¬â Mn is reduced. Fe goes from +2 (Fe+2) to +3 (Fe+3) i.e. each Fe+2 loses 1 electron ââ¬â Fe is oxidized As a result the mole ratio in the reaction is Mn: Fe ââ¬â 1:5 The point at which the reactants will have completely neutralized each other is the equivalence point. In this experiment, this will be determined by noting the color change of the reactants. Mn+7 are purple. When Fe2+ is added, redox reaction starts making the purple color to disappear due to formation of Mn2+ which is colorless. In the process, the Fe2+ is converted to Fe3+. This happens only when Fe2+ is present. When Fe2+ is used up (at endpoint) the solution will have a permanent pink tinge and this is the point where there is no further addition of permanganate.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Answering questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answering questions - Essay Example The object of knowledge is on that which altogether is real. In contrast, the object of belief is on one which is real and not real (Plato et al. 181; par. 477e). Thrasymachus makes two assertions regarding what is just or right. He points out that justice is the action of serving the interest of a stronger one. It is an advantage of the strong. He also adds that just actions are those that obey the stateââ¬â¢s law (Plato and Grube, 15; par. 338c). Glaucon takes up the argument from Thrasymachus in terms of defining justice in a contrasting way. Glaucon points out that justice is a compromise between fear and advantage. People comprehend that being unjust is usually to their advantage; nevertheless, they fear being a victim of injustice. Hence, if one could act in an unjust manner and not suffer consequences, one could (Plato and Grube, 38; par. 358e). Plato describes the ideal city as one based on human virtue and justice. An ideal city is a form of political and social organization that allows individuals to maximize their potentials. The ideal city has three classes of people; the guardians, the auxiliaries and the producers. The leaders and citizens must have courage, wisdom, justice and moderation. This will allow individuals to serve their citizens and live according to the universal truths and laws. The role of the ideal city is to preserve and protect the universal principles. In platoââ¬â¢s ideal city, the guardians serve to protect and lead. There is a division of labor in his ideal city hence enables the satisfaction of the needs of the community. Each man should be given the best job in which he is suited in for. This will ensure productivity in the ideal city (Plato and Grube, 105; par. 412c). It is imperative for the ideal ruler to understand the forms. When one understands the forms, the soul reaches an understanding that is far beyond the thought stage. An ideal ruler should understand the true
Friday, July 26, 2019
Reflections on technology's impact on me and my friends Essay
Reflections on technology's impact on me and my friends - Essay Example Students are connected all times regardless of the place. Students surf and chat while at lecture whole, libraries and dormitories. The effects of this constant connection are increasingly become hazardous towards academic performance and happiness resulting from increased anxiety amongst the Y-generation as Ken State Research indicates. Analysis of the Ken State study attributed Lower GPA, fueled levels of anxiety, as well as lower levels of happiness to increased use of cellphones amongst the peers. According to Turkleââ¬â¢s TED talk, the increased internet connectedness has attracted the youth to harmful sacrifice interactive platforms that have negatively re-shaped users. The internet is never a grown up as has been misunderstood and hence an urgent call to revamp internet usability and design. According to Jenna, internet users, have shifted from the conventional culture and now live on phones in total disregard to moments. Relationships have weakened as people spent much time on devices to one another. Alerts from phones have distracted occasions and further draw people into using theirs. A situation that make people preoccupied with texts and hence many have bumped onto each along
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Researching Politics and International Relations Essay
Researching Politics and International Relations - Essay Example 11) The idea is that politics is abstract in its character, with its ideologies and values, and could not be perceived by the senses. The positivist school identified this as the most important criterion in order for a field to be considered factual and, hence, measured, examined and analyzed scientifically. In addition, along with the abstract concepts such as aesthetics, political theory was relegated to the mere declarations of conflicting preferences and opinions. This perspective, however, changed with the emergence of behaviorism. Here, political science under the wider coverage of social science became scientific because of the systematic introduction of quantitative methods of analysis as the supreme methods of inquiry as well as displacement of the normative frameworks of political theorists by the development of the empirical theory. (Held, p. 13) One of the most important arguments behind this school is the Aristotelian thought that man is a social being and human activity is carried on in a social and political setting. Political science, hence, studies, ââ¬Å"inter alia, the chief theatre in which good men must act out their lives; and in determining the design of the theatre it will of necessity take an interest in, and sets limit upon, the type of drama which may be played out there.â⬠(Aristotle et al. p. xvii) In this regard, Held also cited the arguments of figures like Thomas Kuhn, Imre Lakatos and Mary Hesse who stressed that science, as a form of human activity itself, is inescapably an interpretative endeavor, involving problems of meaning, communication and translations ââ¬â variables that political science also covers. (p. 13) Finally, one turns to Lyotardââ¬â¢s (1984) criteria in order for politics to be considered as scientific. For him, science is a subset of learning and that it is composed of denotative statements and imposes two supplementary conditions on their
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The U.K taxation system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The U.K taxation system - Essay Example The paper tells that taxable income includes income from employment either from part-time, full-time, or temporary employment. However, if people receive benefits or perks from their employer, they may be taxable. Income from partnerships or self-employment, pension income such as state pension, retirement annuity and personal or company pension, are also taxable as stated in the UK tax laws. Additionally, pensioner bonds, trust income and investment income, includes dividends on company shares except dividend income from ISAs, are also taxable. Other taxable income includes Rental income, State benefits such as Carerââ¬â¢s Allowance, Jobseekerââ¬â¢s allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, and weekly Bereavement Allowance among others. The income tax rates in the UK depend on an individualââ¬â¢s personal income. According to Adam, Kaplan and Institute for Fiscal Studies, the 10% rate shows the tax rate for anybody who saves an income of up to GBP 2,4 00. The dividend income below GBP 37,400 is taxed at 10% while that above GBP 37,400 to GBP 150,000 is taxed at 32.5%. In addition, a tax of 42.5% is taxed on dividend income above GBP 150,000. Thus, this shows that income tax is lower in the UK than most countries including New Zealand and Australia. The relevant tax period in the UK starts from 6th April to 5th April in the next year. This includes both income tax and personal taxes. For instance, the 2010-2011 tax year started on 6th April in 2010 and ran through to 5th April 2011. (Adam, Kaplan and Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2002). In the UK, taxes and allowances are usually fixed for any given year, but they often change from one year to another. What is the relative importance of direct and indirect taxes in United Kingdom? What are the implications of this? Direct tax consists of income tax and wealth tax while indirect tax involves central excise duty, customs duty, service tax, purchase tax and value added tax (VAT). Inc ome tax is a direct tax on all incomes that are received by private individuals after some allowances are made. Direct taxes are usually paid directly to the Exchequer by the taxpayer through PAYE, which applies to corporate tax, as well. However, tax liability cannot be forwarded to someone else. Indirect taxes are such as VAT and several excise duties on tobacco, oil and alcohol. Indirect tax, unlike direct tax can be passed onto the final customer by the supplier depending on the price of elasticity of demand and supply of goods. However, over the last twenty years, economists have differed on the optimum mix of taxation between direct and indirect taxes, which has resulted in a shift towards indirect taxation. Economists argue that indirect taxes help in changing the overall pattern of demand for certain products and services, thus, affecting consumer demand such as an increase in the real duty on petrol. Indirect taxes are also useful in controlling and correcting externalities of both production and consumption. Also, they are less likely to interfere with peopleââ¬â¢s choice between work and leisure than the direct tax. Thus, they have a little negative effect on work incentives. Additionally, they allow a reduction in direct
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Principles of Marketing Financial Services Essay
Principles of Marketing Financial Services - Essay Example Around the world, financial services organizations are driven to increase revenues while decreasing costs. They need the ability to quickly go to market with new products, deepen customer relationships, increase revenue per customer, and improve the accuracy of their strategic decision making. At the same time, they need to control operational and compliance costs, ensure interoperability of existing applications and infrastructure, and provide seamless interactions with their customers. All within an increasingly complex compliance environment. High-performance financial institutions understand the link between operational performance and financial performance. The ability to uncover and turn vital insights into operational value leversââ¬âsuch as customer-facing activities, exposure to credit risk, and market shareââ¬âand link them to financial value levers like operating margin, loan-loss ratios, and cost of assets in a timely and accurate fashion is key to optimizing over all performance and driving value creation. Abbeyââ¬â¢s vision is to be the outstanding financial services company in the UK. It is the sixth largest bank in the United Kingdom and aims to achieve the largest position in the market. The purpose of Abbey is to achieve above average growth in share holder value over the long term by meeting stakeholders needs. A detailed and more specific description of the products and services offered by Abbey includes ââ¬â Current Accounts, Credit Cards, Loans, Mortgages, Insurance, Savings, ISAs and Child Trust Fund. ... The ability to uncover and turn vital insights into operational value levers-such as customer- facing activities, exposure to credit risk, and market share-and link them to financial value levers like operating margin, loan-loss ratios, and cost of assets in a timely and accurate fashion is key to optimizing overall performance and driving value creation -> Abbey An Overview : Vision: Abbey's vision is to be the outstanding financial services company in theUK. It is the sixth largest bank in the United Kingdom and aims to achieve thelargest position in the market. Purpose: The purpose of Abbey is to achieve above average growth in shareholder value over the long term by meeting stake holders needs. Products and Services: A detailed and more specific description about theproducts and services offered by Abbey includes - Current Accounts, CreditCards, Loans, Mortgages, Insurance, Investments and Pensions, Savings, ISAs and Child Trust Fund. Strategies Implemented : The right mixture of strategies which suits the market place and customers are being implemented so that there would be an optimum utilization of resources and maximization of profits can be achieved. -> SWOT Analysis : Its main strength is its expert knowledge of finance. This meant that it should focus on this area. Its main weakness is its size. As only the sixth largest bank it could not offer thesame range of products as bigger banks. This meant that it should offer a simplerange. The main opportunity was to provide simpler products which customer wouldbetter understand. The main threat is from other banks, who might want to take over Abbey, so it
The sublime Kant & Burke Essay Example for Free
The sublime Kant Burke Essay In Neil Hertzââ¬â¢s essay, The Notion of Blockage in the Literature of the Sublime, Neil uses the work of William Wordsworth to makes a connection to the very distinguished and particular notion of the mathematical sublime by Immanuel Kant. The mathematical sublime is the perception that reason has this superiority over imagination because reason and logic is boundless whereas imagination is limited to what we have personally experienced through our senses. When in the presence of something that embodies the overwhelming magnitude of an idea that we cannot comprehend at first glance (the sublime), Kant believes that reason has the upper hand over the senses. By means of reasoning, we as individuals can determine that there is some claim to final totality. When this reasoning comes face to face with an agent of the sublime, our logic is able to understand the failure of our ability to grasp the enormity of something so thought shattering that it eventually leads to the realization that our reason is more reliable than our senses. The sensory faculty bases its understanding on empirical evidence and in this case would have no influence over our train of thought because we have never experienced anything quite like the sublime. Kant labels this as the blockage and associates it with a negative feeling, this feeling of displeasure stems from the fact that in order to grasp the concept of the sublime the individual must realize that their previous cognitive limits were not developed enough. Hertz has a different idea about the result of experiencing the mathematical sublime, he believes that it brings us pleasure by means of displeasure but the pleasure and power of overcoming our imaginationââ¬â¢s shortcomings bring us a greater satisfaction than we could have experienced without this knowledge. Hertz then applies several excerpts from book 7 of Wordsworthââ¬â¢s The 1805 Prelude. Wordsworthââ¬â¢s literary works reinforce Hertzââ¬â¢s position upon the sublime and his concept of blockage. Before he begins analyzing the literary works, Hertz lays down the foundation of the sublime and states, with the use of Weiskels argument that ââ¬Å"The cause of the sublime is the aggrandizement of reason at the expense of imaginative apprehension of reality and at the expense of reality. â⬠(Hertz, 51) After attaining this level of consciousness is it easier to assess the effect of the sublime and how it creates a new insight by means of comprehending that the sublime consists of structure and disagreement. Kant voices a very similar idea as Weiskel just a couple sentences later, ââ¬Å"the very moment in which the mind turns within and performs its identification with reason. â⬠(Hertz, 51) He uses this notion of blockage in relation to Wordsworthââ¬â¢s poems, and how we have difficulty in grasping the concept before we recognize and understand the sublime and how it unites the mind when it is filled with such a grand sensation. Unto myself, The face of every one That passes by me is a mystery! Thus have I looked, nor ceased to look, oppressed By thoughts of what and whither, when and how. All laws of acting, thinking, speaking man Went from me, neither knowing me nor known. (Hertz, 58) Wordsworth is making reference to the publication and how everyone is the same but different at the same time, whilst making allusions to the sensory approach and how he does not understand the incident to its furthest degree. He is stuck on the mathematically sublime until he advances in his text analysis and stumbles upon the blind beggar. Or emblem of the utmost that we know Both of ourselves and of the universe, And on the shape of this unmoving man, His fixed face and sightless eyes, I looked, As if admonished from another world.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Learning from a New Experience Essay Example for Free
Learning from a New Experience Essay As human beings, we learn most of the things that we know from experience. New experiences give us new knowledge, enabling us to correct our mistaken beliefs in the past and to increase our awareness. It is only proper to open ourselves to new experiences so that we can be able to acquire better knowledge and to align our actions and thoughts with the right things in life, making us better individuals in the process. I recall a previous incident in my life where I learned a couple of new things. At first, I was hesitant to give myself the chance to encounter a new experience because I was afraid of the possible consequences that can be harmful on my part. However, I was assured by my friends that there was nothing to worry about because, in the first place, what we were about to do was not a bad thing. We decided to proceed with cleaning our backyards as a group, transferring from one backyard to another. We lived in a small neighborhood so the task was not entirely difficult although I would have to say it felt physically exhausting. The reason for that is because I rarely help in doing the chores in our house. Since I was busy most of the time attending to my academic requirements and to my friends, I had very little experience in cleaning the house, let alone sweeping the leaves in the backyard. With the help of my friends, we were able to clean our respective backyards. As an individual, I was able to learn a few things about keeping the house clean and maintaining the neatness of my surroundings. Moreover, I was able to fulfill the task and to have fun at the same time. I enjoyed cleaning my own backyard and the backyard of my friends since the fun moments seemed to lighten our load. I was wrong in thinking that I will only tire and dirty myself without getting anything important in return. In fact, I learned the simple things that can be done in order to keep our backyard clean. While they may be simple, I am fairly certain that such little knowledge is precious enough to help me as I grow older. I might get dirty and tire myself from time to time, but I think what is more important is the thought of having clean and healthy surroundings for a clean and healthy life. From that incident, I can confidently say that it is important to open ourselves to new things so that we can acquire new experiences. It is never enough for us to settle with what we already know and hold on to that knowledge until we grow old. If there are much better things to learn, I cannot see any reason why we should resist change. However, we should make sure that the new experiences that we are about to try are experiences that are not only beneficial but are also good. Trying new experiences that are inherently harmful and bad should not be taken just for the sake of trying. In my case, cleaning the backyard was a new experience for me and I tried it with the full confidence from my friends that it was not a bad thing to do. On the contrary, it was both beneficial and good. It is only natural for human beings to try and be open to new experiences since it is part of our natural instinct, I think, to understand and learn what is yet unknown. If we hold ourselves back from experiencing new things that could help us along the way, we deprive ourselves of the chance to become better individuals.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Types of unemployment and their importance
Types of unemployment and their importance As a matter of fact, there are a lot of the meanings of unemployment. Generally, unemployment is a state of the people who are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for works. Moreover, we have two ways to express the amount of unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. Unemployment can be estimated as a rate of two numbers: amount of jobless people in labor force and total number of labor force. Claimant and Standardized are two means of estimating unemployment rates. However, collected information can be influenced by many factors: false claimants, demoralized work-seekers, part-time employees, and underground economy, etc. In a labor market, wages would adjust to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. There are two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. There are three types of disequilibrium unemployment: real wages unemployment, demand- deficient unemployment and growth in the labor supply. Demand deficient is one of the most factor which influences on the economy growth quickly because of the recession. The recession just happens in a short time but in fact, It will change many factors such as workers are difficult to get a job or the countrys GDP fall rapidly. Equilibrium unemployment has three types: Frictional unemployment that occurs as a result of imperfect information in the labor market. Structural unemployment arises from changes in the pattern of demand or supply in economy. Seasonal unemployment associated with industries or regions where the demand for labor is lower at certain times of the year. Table of Contents I. Introduction 5 II. Unemployment Error: Reference source not found6 A. The meaning of unemployment 6 B. Official measures of unemployment 8 C. Unemployment and the labour market 11 D. Types of disequilibrium unemployment 14 Real-wage unemployment Demand deficient or cyclical unemployment..à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. Case studyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦.17 E. Equilibrium unemployment (or natural unemployment) 19 Fritional (search) unemployment Error: Reference source not found Structural unemployment. Seasonal unemployment.. III. Conclusion 21 Introduction The serious problem which every country must deal with increase their economy is unemployment. Therefore, before going any further we have to define precisely what we mean by unemployment. It depends on how narrowly it is defined. Actually, the general meaning is no job. Each country almost wants have a low amount of unemployment because if we have a high unemployment amount, our economy will gradually decrease our income. As a result, our economy will go down a lot. In order to understand easily we can examine how the economy flows as below: Unemployment Ãâà à ® No income à ® No consumption à à ¯ Lay off workers à ¬ Productions ÃâÃ
¸ à ¬ Aggregate demand ÃâÃ
¸ So, this flow chart keeps happen continuously over and over. Thats why our GDP is getting lower and lower as well as jobless people are getting higher and higher. II/ Unemployment: The meaning of unemployment As a matter of fact, almost countries experienced the recession. Moreover, the unemployment figures bring the recession into an even sharper focus. However, the average of unemployment has different levels in different countries. There are many different definitions of unemployment. As a result, we will focus on the meaning of unemployment and the ways express the amount of unemployment. Firstly, we have to address the meaning of unemployment. Generally, unemployment simply means that a person is jobless. Nevertheless, this meaning is not exactly right because children and retired people will be not essential for the statistics. Regardless of the fact that Michael Todaro defines it in two ways as voluntary and involuntary unemployment. The definition of voluntary unemployment is that the people do not find employment, and want to stay at home in order to take care of their families. Conversely, people are able and willing to work but there are no jobs available for them. Therefore, we can understand that unemployment is a state of the people who are adequate standards of health as well as ages and able to work, but they are without work, seeking jobs or not looking for work. Secondly, we should concentrate on the ways express the amount of unemployment. As a rule, there are two ways so as to represent the unemployment, in terms of: a number and a percentage. The number unemployed is used when people are unable to find a job even so they are reading and waiting to work at the prevailing wage. Alternatively, the economists can be expressed the unemployment rate as a percentage if they represent the percentage of total labor force which includes all persons in employment and unemployment. In other words, the prevalence of unemployment usually express as the unemployment rate which is defined as the percentage of the labor force. For instance, if there were 30 million people in employment and 2 million people in unemployment in a country, we could find the unemployment rate by: All things considered, unemployment is one of the most important problems in the economy. The level of unemployment usually shows the economic situation in a country. Furthermore, it also changes over time because it depends on the economic conditions and other circumstances. B) Official measures of unemployment Unemployment is the serious problem in every country. It is one of the primary factors has effected to the increasing or the decreasing Government income. The main objective of every economy is always attempt to cut down a percentage of unemployment rates as low as possible, because it can be a charge of social, an ineffectiveness of human resources or a reduction of national revenue. In order to resolve these crisis effects we need to estimate the unemployment rate to boost the national economy. There are two general measures of unemployment: Claimant unemployment and Standardized unemployment rates. Claimant unemployment: According to this measure unemployment rate will be calculated as percentage between the number of claimants and the total of labor force. It has several important advantages. For example, it is not too difficult to resume information, and it is the fastest method so far. Although the method has the advantages listed above, it also has some disadvantages such as false information or overstate of people just wants to get allowance but not really looking for a job. In addition, this number excludes jobless people that cannot satisfies the qualified for benefits. Standardized unemployment rates: This is the modern formula set up by two international organizations: The International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based primarily on them the rate will be collected by national labor force examination. Basically, work forces are enough old to go to work and also active to looking for a job right now. It is an improved measure but it still has the limit in somehow. First, we can observe it on the effective factor. For instance, providing the more exactly figure than Claimant unemployment because it include people who highly want to find out a job but cannot be eligible claimant at the meantime. In contrast, several bad factors of this method make it has some less effective. It is taking much time to survey and statistic. Moreover, it cannot count discouraged workers who have given up looking for a job after long-term unemployment. And people work for underground economy, which have illegal job for example drug dealer, mafia and etc. can be consider as unemployment while part-time workers who would like to get the full-time job but they cannot get any suitable jobs are excluded from unemployment numbers. To illustrate this let examine the unemployment rate in Australia with the method of Standardized unemployment rates from source of CIA world factbook: Source of CIA world factbook. Based on above column chart- the numbers of Australian unemployment rate survey from labor force- we can observe the lowest rate in 2009 and the peak in 2003. However, the percentage from 2009 to 2010 increases dramatically with percentage of +1.5% because the influence global economic resection. In order to avoid economic seriously affected by the recession, Australian government has solutions by injecting a lot of money as well as push their citizens to spend money to expand more job for Australians. However, this situation still does not effective in this time. To sum up, Australian government should have the right policies to improve this situation unemployment. C) Unemployment and the labor market In a labor market, wages would adjust in order to make the supply of labor and the demand for labor would be equal. The reasons of unemployment can be divided into two main types: equilibrium unemployment and disequilibrium unemployment. In a perfectly competitive labor market, the intersection of demand and supply curves determined the wage rate and level of employment. Real wage S D N Labor Real wage S D Labor Average (Real) Wage Rate AS N e d W AD O Q No. of workers Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. According to the Sloman (2007), the aggregate supply of labor curve (AS) is fairly inelastic and it may become less inelastic when the new labor enter the labor market or the unemployed workers rather start to work than search for a new better job . It indicates the number of workers who are willing to accept the work at different real wage rate. Besides, the downward slope is the aggregate demand for labor curve (AD). Firms will spare employees and replace some factors of the production when the real wage rate is getting higher. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. D) Types of disequilibrium unemployment: 1. Real wage unemployment: Firstly, we focus on the real-wage unemployment which is the form of disequilibrium unemployment. It occurs when real wages for works are forced above the market-clearing level leading to an excess supply of labor. As a matter of fact, trade unions are one of the most important causes of real-wage unemployment because they control the wages by their power. However, their power has diminished significantly over recent years. Moreover, it is popularly believed that the minimum wage is also the reason for real wage unemployment. 2. Demand-deficient It also calls cyclical or Keynesian unemployment. If the economy slides into recession or inflation, this thing will happen. Besides, aggregate demand is a caused of demand deficient. If demand for goods and services decrease, it leads to the surplus of output and consequently, the firm are forced to dismiss amount of labor they employ before. Furthermore, the recession lasts more seriously and the higher will worst case. In addition, the people who out of work will be de-skilled or de motivated. As a result, it is hard to find a new job in the future or perhaps they earn a few money in lowing job. Cyclical unemployment will increase during the recession time otherwise will go down when the economy recover. Moreover, demand deficient may be happen in the long term because of many reasons. The first thing is if the company cut wages of worker, it dues to it will influences on aggregate demand and consumer spending. Next reason is the higher of unemployment will make the customer l imit their spending and it makes the GDP of one country will reduce Demand deficient unemployment is associated with the theory of J.M.Keynes who developed his General Theory of Money against a backdrop of the Great (.December 2nd, 2009 | economics) Unemployment caused by a fall in total demand with no fall in the real wage rate. Why real wage would not fall ? There are two reasons to explain this question Efficiency wages: The first thing is the traditional one of balancing the demand and supply of labor. The second is motivating workers. Efficiency wages means we will attract the qualified employees by pay higher salaries than the market clearing. Furthermore, the surplus labor market can make the employer work less hard and make substandard goods. Another ideas is that it can make the number of unemployment increase rapidly because they will hire a group of people who can work effective, as a result, they will get a lot of profits from employment. Insider power: the people are members of unions and they also have many special skills or their knowledge can attract employers while the outsiders do not have influence on the firm. As a result, the outsiders can drive down the real wage rate even eliminate demand- deficient unemployment. To examine more details about this problems, if the real wage really fall , perhaps we cannot solve this problem and might be make it worse because they will cut in workers wages, it leads to the workers income also go down. Consequently, labor force have to reduce their consumption of goods ->remain demand deficient unemployment. In addition, although the economy can overcome again, the demand deficient still fall steadily because of business cycle. 3. Growth in the labor supply The labor supply and demand need to balance together. If the supply of labors increases, it means there are many workers will seek the firm, but in fact there is not enough demand of labors, it may be a cause of unemployment. Moreover, the real wage will fall and it is also a disadvantage of things with employers. Finally, the woman or the children have over 16 years old can get a part time job despite the lower average wage rate. CASE STUDY Figure: Rates of unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64): 1995-2005 I will show you more details about unemployment among youth (15-24) and older workers (55-64) 1995- 2005. It is difficult to measure of youth unemployment from full- time student to full time worker. In Australia, the trends of young people combine education and employment in many different ways. For instance, many teenage schools always find a part- time job to support their tuition fees such as waiters or waitress in the restaurant or Vietnamese students help their host selling foods in the supermarket Young people try on different types of post- school education just as they try-on different jobs (Wynn,2005). Moreover, it is hard to find a full-time job in 2005 because of recession. As a result, 20% teenagers who look for full- time work are unemployed (Parliamentary Library,2005). In figure 4 show unemployment among youth has fallen by a relatively large 5%, otherwise, the older workers also go down strongly in 2005 with 2%.Due to, a rise in participation rate of this group. Recent unemployment is a second group which is facing high unemployment. There three reasons, first of all are youth people, they have to spend a lot of time to find out information to get a suitable job. It is difficult for person who cannot speak English and they also shock by many varieties of culture even lacking of good- skills. Finally, the discrimination is one of the most important things because it always happens everywhere such as sexual, national origins or age (Richardson et at 2004). Data for 2005 show that migrants with these characteristics quickly find employment six months after arrival, 83% of skilled primary applicant had a job, while 12% were looking for work(5% were not in the labor force)*. In general, higher unemployment and non- participation in the labor force than for skilled primary applicants. Sloman, 2007, Unemployment, inflation and growth, Essentials of Economics, England: Peason Education Limited, pp. 312-313. If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market, a surplus of labor will occur and create disequilibrium unemployment. Moreover, more workers tend to find a job and work so that the demand is not enough to satisfy the needs. As a result of that, unemployment occurs in the market. Besides, not every worker can get a job even when they try to search for it. Workers tend to think that they may find appropriate jobs given their tastes, skills and reasonable wage. Equilibrium level of unemployment happens when the number of workers who really ready to take their jobs is lower than the total number of the labor force. E) Equilibrium unemployment is the economic situation in which aggregate demands for and supplies for labor at the current real wage rate are equal. There are three types of equilibrium unemployment: 1. Frictional unemployment: Can be understand like this example, aà first-time job seekerà may lackà the resources or efficiencyà for finding the company that hasà the job that is available and suitable for him or her.à As a result this person does not take other work, temporarily holding out for the better-paying job. Basically to understand that frictional unemployment is the place which is helps unemployment to search or find jobs for them, even they are voluntarily. Even though after the unemployment try their first job and they cant be suitable with that , they can be continue to ask the frictional unemployment to help them again to search a new job. In this place, so many available unemployment for workers search and neither for unemployment. 2. Structural unemployment: As you know, the computers may have eliminated jobs but they also opened up some of new positions for those who have the skill to operate. As we know, the structural unemployment is the place for company to changes their economy. There are 2 main reasons: A change in the pattern of demand b) A change in the method of production 3. Seasonal unemployment: Unemployment expected at a given time of year. Resort areas, for example, can expect to experience seasonal unemployment during the off-season. Unemployment statistics provided by the government are seasonally adjusted. CONCLUSION Unemployment is a serious problem with each country which has an important effect of society as well as economy. Firstly, we need to estimate a detailed amount of unemployment rate of each careers and ages. Moreover, from this estimate, the government needs to release the type of unemployment which will be necessary to improve. From this point, it should put forward a lot of suitable strategy or policy about society and jobs. To improve this situation, we should have job information, which is provided by government job centers, by private employment agencies, or by local and national newspapers.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Importance of Setting in Eveline of James Joyces Dubliners :: Dubliners Essays
Eveline: The Importance of Setting Setting is one of the most significant elements in a story. The setting goes far beyond the simple physical attributes and external face value. It seems "Eveline" solely takes place in Dublin in an old room, but the setting actually plays a key role in the story. The setting in "Eveline" helps the reader to better understand the behavior of the main character. The setting in "Eveline" is paralyzing, and this helps the reader to understand why Eveline does not go with Frank to Buenos Aires. In the majority of the story Eveline "sat at the window," (512) which parallels with her paralysis because she does not move. Eveline "was going to go away like the others" (512) because she was one of the only people left in Dublin from her childhood. However, Eveline doesn't go since she is trapped in her setting. Almost nothing in Eveline's setting ever changes throughout her life. The significance of Eveline looking around the room "reviewing all its familiar objects" (512) is that she "never dreamed of being divided" from them. All around her Eveline "had those she had know all her life about her" (512). Eveline is a product of her environment. The reader can see how the setting never changes, Eveline's life molds to it. This explains the reason for her not going away and starting a much happier life. It is extremely hard for her to make the decision of whether or not to go with Frank because she only knows one way. Eveline understands that she has "a hard life,"(513) and she has the chance to go to a place where "it would not be like that" (513). However, it scares Eveline to change her setting. After thinking about leaving she did not find her present setting as "wholly undesirable" (513) as she previously did. The latter part of "Eveline" is set by the sea. This sea is a symbol of rejuvenation for Eveline. Much like in "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin, the sea is a way to escape life. "All the seas of the world tumble around her heart," (515) and Eveline is unable to flee from her life to go away with Frank. Eveline's mind has been subconsciencly designed by her environment, and she can't imagine living life any other way. Eveline is so confused and doesn't know what is holding her back, but something is.
Violence Depected in the media :: essays research papers
Violence Depicted In the Media There is endless controversy today concerning society being highly affected by media programs displaying violence. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) reports that violence in the media has increased since 1980 and continues to increase. Thousands of studies have pointed to a relationship between media violence and real life crime. Years of research show that exposure to media violence causes children to behave more aggressively, both immediately and in their adult years. This ââ¬Å"aggressivenessâ⬠has lead violent acts in the past. These events could have been avoided if violence was not viewed on television. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees ââ¬Å"the freedom of the press and other media of communicationâ⬠under Fundamental Freedoms. In other words, it is considered justified to portrait violence in the media and allow it to have an affect on society. Aggression is not the only issue involved. Statistics show that children w ho spend more time watching violent TV programming are rated more poorly by their teachers, rated more poorly by their peers, and have few problem solving skills. Media professionals believe that television has no effects rather than those intended. They conclude that television does not lead to aggressive behavior. A study done by Feshback in 1971 suggested that watching television actually decreases the amount of aggression in the viewer. They believe that history has shown us that violence issues will not influence a childââ¬â¢s mind. Society cannot continue to allow our future generations to be exposed to violence portrayed in the media today. The Canadian government should set limitations to the amount of violence depicted on television. Fundamental freedoms, concerning the freedom of speech among the media, should limit the violence portrayed. The need for change and action regarding this matter would change the generations to come. By no longer running violent programs for children, it enables society to progress in a peaceful, non-violent atmosphere. Allowing the violence on television to continue would be killing the world. The violence today depicted on television has already affected our country. If these violent programs continue to run, the world will soon be in chaos. As a result of television violence, people have died and crimes have been commited. In Nevada, one teen-aged boy was killed and two others seriously injured while lying down along the centerline of a highway. The boys admitted that they were imitating a scene from the Touchstone movie, ââ¬Å"The Programâ⬠. Violence Depected in the media :: essays research papers Violence Depicted In the Media There is endless controversy today concerning society being highly affected by media programs displaying violence. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) reports that violence in the media has increased since 1980 and continues to increase. Thousands of studies have pointed to a relationship between media violence and real life crime. Years of research show that exposure to media violence causes children to behave more aggressively, both immediately and in their adult years. This ââ¬Å"aggressivenessâ⬠has lead violent acts in the past. These events could have been avoided if violence was not viewed on television. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees ââ¬Å"the freedom of the press and other media of communicationâ⬠under Fundamental Freedoms. In other words, it is considered justified to portrait violence in the media and allow it to have an affect on society. Aggression is not the only issue involved. Statistics show that children w ho spend more time watching violent TV programming are rated more poorly by their teachers, rated more poorly by their peers, and have few problem solving skills. Media professionals believe that television has no effects rather than those intended. They conclude that television does not lead to aggressive behavior. A study done by Feshback in 1971 suggested that watching television actually decreases the amount of aggression in the viewer. They believe that history has shown us that violence issues will not influence a childââ¬â¢s mind. Society cannot continue to allow our future generations to be exposed to violence portrayed in the media today. The Canadian government should set limitations to the amount of violence depicted on television. Fundamental freedoms, concerning the freedom of speech among the media, should limit the violence portrayed. The need for change and action regarding this matter would change the generations to come. By no longer running violent programs for children, it enables society to progress in a peaceful, non-violent atmosphere. Allowing the violence on television to continue would be killing the world. The violence today depicted on television has already affected our country. If these violent programs continue to run, the world will soon be in chaos. As a result of television violence, people have died and crimes have been commited. In Nevada, one teen-aged boy was killed and two others seriously injured while lying down along the centerline of a highway. The boys admitted that they were imitating a scene from the Touchstone movie, ââ¬Å"The Programâ⬠.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Supporting the US Patriot Act Essay -- Privacy
The US Patriot Act should stay in effect indefinitely because it helps to remove barriers to investigate terrorism, it strengthens the criminal laws against terrorism, and it gives the government the authority to intercept wire, oral and electronic communications relating to terrorism. "Originally passed after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Patriot Act was formed in response to the terrorist attacks against the United States. This law dramatically expanded the authority of American law enforcement for the stated purpose of fighting terrorism in the United States. It is used to enhance domestic security against terrorism, and enhance surveillance procedures. It gives the government the authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism. It has also been used to detect and prosecute other alleged potential crimes, such as providing false information on terrorism. It was renewed on March 2, 2006 with a vote of 89 to 11 in the Senate and on M arch 7 280 to 138 in the House. The renewal was signed into law by President Bush on March 9, 2006."1 (USA Patriot Act" on 02/08/2007). The Patriot Act has been very important to winning the War on Terror and protecting the American people. The signed legislation allows intelligence and law enforcement officials to continue sharing information and using the same tools against terrorists already employed against drug dealers and other criminals. This legislation helps to strengthen the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) so that it can better identify and interrupt terrorist threats. It also provides law enforcement officials new tools to combat threats, while safeguarding Americans' civil liberties. America still faces dangerous en... ... remember about government powers is not to necessarily only worry about what they do but what they allow the government to do (because eventually they likely will). These provisions in and of themselves are not a ridiculous assault on liberty but they do increase powers and reduce rights incrementally. And it is likely that any overall reduction of rights will be incremental and always driven by government 'necessity' to protect or provide. The Patriot Act is one of these measures that will allow each American life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness. Although, some laws might seem intrusive in nature; that intrusiveness provides Americans with a feeling of safety. Sources: 1. "USA Patriot Act" accessed on 02/08/2007 2. "USA Patriot Act" accessed on 02/07/2007
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Essay on school uniforms Essay
Imagine being able to wake up every morning, roll out of bed, put on the same thing you wore the day before, and head off to school. Not only would you be able to do such a thing, but all of your friends were doing it, too! Sound too good to be true? Well, itââ¬â¢s becoming more common in our society as school uniforms have gone beyond private schools to public schools. Uniforms have a positive effect on studentsââ¬â¢ self-esteem, attendance, discipline, and test scores. They have also been proven to decrease the rate of crime and violence in public schools. Most students and even parents will argue that SCHOOL UNIFORMS stifle individualism. The teenage years are a time when adolescents try out different personas, often experimenting with different styles of clothing during this phase. Opponents argue that uniforms take away an individualââ¬â¢s freedom of expression. However, the clothes that people wear, or can afford to wear, often define the group by which they are accepted. As a result, many teens are outcast due to the fact that they cannot afford the top-of-the-line, name-brand clothing. This rejection can lead to several problems for the outcast teen: depression, inability to concentrate on schoolwork, or just a general feeling of inferiority. School uniforms put everyone on the same level because no outfit is more stylish or expensive than another. Linda Moore, principal at Will Rogers Middle School in Long Beach, California, states, ââ¬Å"Uniforms reduce the differences between the haves and have-notsâ⬠(Ritter, 1). Uniforms allow students to interact with one another without experiencing the socioeconomic barrier that non-uniform schools create. More importantly, children are not judged on how much they spent on clothes or how stylish they look, but rather for their talents and personalities. School uniforms not only break down socioeconomic barriers, but they also increase the safety of the students. In 1996, President Bill Clinton encouraged the use of school uniforms as part of an education program that sought to improve safety and discipline (Hoffman, 1). If students are all wearing the same type of outfit, it becomes much easier to spot outsidersà who may wander onto the campus. In addition, uniforms decrease the number of incidences of students being attacked or beaten for items of clothing such as shoes and jackets. Also, members of gangs frequently have a color or style of clothing used to identify themselves. Unsuspecting students who wear gang colors or gang-related attire might be threatened or intimidated by members of opposing gangs, students wearing expensive or fashionable clothes might become victims of theft, or certain fashion accessories or attire may be used as a means of concealing weapons, or even as weapons (Paliokas, 1). At a school in Long Beach, California, after only the first year that uniforms were implemented, overall school crime decreased 36 percent, fights decreased 51 percent, sex offenses decreased 74 percent, weapons offenses decreased 50 percent, assault and battery offenses decreased 34 percent, and vandalism decreased 18 percent (Manual, 3). Schools with uniform-clad students are also proven to have fewer disciplinary problems and increased attendance than non-uniform schools. Dr. John German, principal of South Shore, located in Seattle, Washington, reports, ââ¬Å"This year the demeanor in the school has improved 98 percent, truancy and tardies are down, and we have not had one reported incident of theftâ⬠(Manual,4). Ruffner Middle School, located in Norfolk, Virginia, reports a 47 percent decrease in students leaving class without permission (Manual,5). With the implementation of uniforms, students no longer spend hours deciding what they are going to wear to school. This fear of looking ââ¬Å"uncoolâ⬠will often cause kids to decide that they do not feel well enough to go to school because they canââ¬â¢t find anything to wear. Uniforms allow students to focus more on their academics, and less on what everyone else is wearing. According to Long Beach police chief William Ellis, ââ¬Å"Students concentrate more on education, not on whoââ¬â¢s wearing $100 shoes or gang attireâ⬠(Manual, 3). Elementary Guidance Counselor Sharon Carter of Memphis, Tennessee states, ââ¬Å"The tone of the school is different. Thereââ¬â¢s not the competitivenessâ⬠¦about whoââ¬â¢s wearing whatâ⬠(Manual, 5). Many families worry about not having enough money to buy uniforms. Due to the fact that no child can be denied an education because of economicà disadvantage, all schools requiring uniforms must include provisions to assist low-income families. For example, the Long Beach School District solved this problem by setting up a boutique shop, funded by private donors, where needy students can shop (Paliokas, 5). In addition, community and business leaders provide or contribute financial support for uniforms, and students who have graduated often donate their used uniforms to incoming students (Manual, 3). However, uniforms are considerably cheaper to buy than non-uniform clothes, and the students can wear them every day and it isnââ¬â¢t considered unusual. Parents can buy a few pairs of pants, shirts, or other variations of a uniform for under $100, while parents of non-uniform-wearing students can spend from several hundred up to $1,000 a year on clothing. Parents find that buying two or three uniforms is ultimately cheaper than buying clothes to follow the fads, and it stops arguments at home in the mornings about what to wear (Oland, 1). Pop culture increasingly sends young girls the message that the smaller and tighter the clothes, the more readily they will be accepted. These outfits, which flaunt navels and bra straps, are not only distracting, but detract from teaching time as teachers argue with students about what is considered acceptable attire. With uniforms, there are only a few acceptable variations of the outfit, no questions asked. A less well-known theory concerning the pros of school uniforms is the ââ¬Å"halo effect.â⬠According to researcher Marc Posner, the ââ¬Å"halo effectâ⬠refers to the idea that while uniforms may not change student behavior, the uniforms may change the way teachers and other adults perceive the students who wear them. In a study of the correlation of student clothing and teacher and student perceptions, Dorothy Behling of Bowling Green University found that students and teachers alike believe that uniform-clad students not only behave better, but also do better academically than those who donââ¬â¢t wear uniforms. While this may be an illusion, these positive perceptions can help create a self-fulfilling prophecy that teachers and administrators raise their discipline and grading standards to reflect their more positive image of students, who, in turn, behave better. (School Discipline, 1). While research on the effectiveness of uniforms is still ongoing, they have been proven to raise test scores, boost self-esteem, reduce violence and crime, and create a sense of newfound pride in students. They help children to focus on learning and schoolwork, not on what everyone else is wearing or whether or not they fit in. Uniforms are not the solution to all of the problems that teens, teachers, and schools face today, but research and statistics suggest that they may be a step in the right direction.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
In the Ad they atomic number 18 testing the effects of literal poke fun on wowork force. They argon trying to do nearly involvement active it and raise aw arness to any form of abuse, which is non always physical. They argon showing a place w here women female genitals go to, someone who would help and do something about(predicate) it. Most of the women dont talk about being abused because they argon afraid(p) of the disgrace. The women ar being abused because of the thinking that men film that once they ar married to tahem they became their property they trance to do whatever they want to do to them.KAFA ar trying to enlighten the people and permit them getting a little snack wiser about womens rights and they are now going to help abused women. every last(predicate) what women defecate got to do Is to c solely them and tell what she is distraint from. The tone they are using here serious, because this situation is becoming all oer the place and no one seems to mosh an eye about, shocking because this abuse allow for live for many years with the charwoman and hunt her down and spoils e very minute of arc of happiness that she ever dreamt of having and that could to lead hem to commit suicide.With KAFA they dont have to suffer in silence they will give them help. KAFA Is feeling for a break off ball club where all Its citizens live free of violence and where they have equivalence. In gen timel KAFA started to make these Ads to power the light on certain behaviors in our culture. They are trying to get us on track to recognize womens rights. mavin agent Is that women are considered some mixed bag of slave for the men desires. An different factor is that the women use is shortened as an indoor(prenominal) lineament only. However, woman is an ffective fgure in society she could do any thing as better as men.The biggest factor that lead to this campaign Is the Arab boundary after what happened In the region has opened the e yes blanket(a) open to see that we are In the phase of changing. Therefore women became fictitious character of the Arab Spring and now they have central role in that transition. In KSA women now have the right tovote In Saudi fantan that only means one thing, which is we are at the doorstep of parvenu era of a democratic world. All of these factors helped to build this plaque to increase sensory faculty of Womens rights.The briny thing KAFA Is trying to advocacy and builds awareness of womens status and issues in our region, for a better tomorrow with equality. This organization is all about having a better society with no violence and women slavery. This civil society organization Is looking to mitigate the causes and results of violence and ontogeny of women through advocacy and lobbying. The message for women in this Ad is you dont have to suffer from verbal abuse or any other kind we are here to get you out of the gutter.Dont stay In the substitute come to the bright si de. I nls AO was a consequence 0T wnat Is nappenlng lately In tne region, wnlcn Is tne Arab Spring. All of the Arab countries that suffered from dictatorship are now up against their regimes. It is started from Tunisia all the way to Yemen. The people are claiming their rights, democracy and fair elections etc. several(prenominal) countries from the region are undergoing fundamental transitions, including memory elections, making parvenue Constitutions, new laws and establishing mechanisms for transitional onlyice.The outcome and the results of these processes are critical and very sensitive for the rights of women and their status in the new era of democracy. The Arab uprising has empowering women to claim a wider and larger presence and role in the public, and that is a transitionary thing, and that is a grievous thing to exclude the decades of gender stereotyping. The typeset of the women has been difficult. In 2002 the first Arab Human outgrowth Report cited the lack of w omens rights is caused of, lack of semipolitical freedoms and poor education, that hampered the regions progress.Nowadays, Women and men are quest human rights, Justice and equality after decades of dictatorship. That thing yielded of making companies who afraid of excluding women from the rotary motion because the gyration impact on women stock-still unclear. Most of the people in the revolution are hoping this revolution will boosts womens rights, save the outcome still didnt match up their expectations. Some Islamic-extremes parties that have been raised to the regime are considered as a curse to womens rights. In these rough days women is playacting a very important role n the revolution.In Libya women smuggled medicine, weapon all of that Just to help the rebels and prove that they are helpful and could be an important part in their revolution. Even now epoch the situation still raging some people start a revolution inside of revolution all that Just to keep womens ri ghts within the aims of the main revolution. KAFA make these Ads to spot the light on women abusing. It is non similar any more the abusing is not physical it took another shapes nowadays it became verbal, overbearing women with hurtful words.Therefore they are trying show what they are fighting for and its a thing people should be up against the same as the dictatorship regime. A fortune of doubt that the women case will await the same as it was before because men are looking for their own sake. because organizations all around the region including KAFA are making people aware to not forget women in our revolution and that we are standing for the same case and it is a chance to write a new chapter in our history of freedom and equality with no sexism and gender stereotyping. Eventually cease women abusing.
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