Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Behavior Plan Template Essay Example for Free
Behavior Plan Template Essay Max does not talk about his past or his family. He focuses everything on sex, power, and himself. He has had six charges of assault and brags about how many woman he has slept with. Max has a personality that draws people in and can be very socialble, but once things do not go his way or are not about him he tends to lose it. He sees nothing wrong in what he does and it is normal to him. He has serious anger issues that he does not want to admit and I feel it has a lot to with his past. Max possibly suffered from some type of abuse when he was younger, either sexual, physical, emotional, or even all three. He seems to have very low self-esteem by the way he bragsà and puts down other ideas. Max does not know how to have a normal relationship with people, without making things about himself or using anger while interacting. Max hold irrational beliefs about himself and the world, which is not good because it leads to the negative actions he has been exhibiting. This type of behavior Max is exhibiting relates to rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Course of Treatment List two target behaviors and two interventions. Target Behaviors Anger Issues Relationship/Emotional Issues Frequency and Duration of Target Behaviors Anger Issues are serious for Max because he seems to not be able to handle his anger. This behavior needs to be targeted for three months because he has been so use to this behavior for a long time and he needs to learn how to control anger and react to things in a positive way. Relationship/Emotional issues is an important area that Max need to work on. He needs to be able have a relationship with others that does not consist of him being selfish or dominiating. This behavior needs to be targeted for three months because he does not know how to interact with people without being dominating or using sex to his advantage to get what he wants. Severity and Number of Relapses If Max does not get this behavior under control he could have to do prison or jail time. He could also run into the wrong person and lose his life or be seriously injured. He has relapsed around 4 times, it has been difficult for him. Max needs to learn how to have a normal relationship with a person, that uses the correct emotions and is not all about himself. There will come a time when he is truly alone and has nobody because they do not like how dominating and arrogant he was. He could resort back into depression. He has relapsed around 5 times because he cannot stop being dominating and arrogant. Interventions Max needs to be in angermanagment classes, along with group and one-on-one therapy. He also needs do some sort of community service. Max needs to be inà one-on-one therapy and group therapy. He should volunteer at homeless shelters, so he can appreciate what he has and improve his own self-worth. He should be involved in any sexual activity for 4 months. Goals and Objectives List two long-term goals, two short-term goals, and one objective to work towards each goal. Long-Term Goal 1. The long-term goal for anger issues is for Max to control his anger and not have any other incidents of assaulting people. 2. The long-term goal for relationship/emotional issues is for Max to learn how to have a healthy relationship with others, which he is not controlling or uncaring to the person. His self-esteem should be confidence and not arrogance. Short-Term Goal 1. The short-term goal for anger issues is for Max to not have any anger outburst or physical altercations with anyone for three months. 2. The short-term goal for relationship/emotional issues is for Max to understand individuals and think about them for he thinks about himself. Objectives 1. If Max can control his anger he will be able to be a happy person and can have a normal reaction to things in life, without feeling out of control with anger (Macavei, 2005). 2. If Max can learn how to have a healthy relationship and use his emotions correctly, he will not be alone, but can have someone who he really cares about and who really cares him (Macavei, 2005). 3. If Max can learn to not lose control right away of anger he can learn that he does not need violence, but can think before he reacts (Macavei, 2005). 4. If Max can learn to understand others and think about someone else than himself he can become a better person and not who is not depressed or hides behind negativity. He can truly understand himself and work on his own personal issue (Macavei, 2005). Discharge and Termination Plans Describe the discharge and termination plan for the client. Discharge Plan Max has been discharged after four months of treatment. He has shown he canà control his anger and really overcome his relationship and emotional issues. He has completed his anger management and therapy. Max will still have to take angermanagement classes once a week and therapy, but he will be free to live on his own and conduct his life normally. He has also been prescribed medication that will help with his mood swings. Termination Plan Max will be released and living on his own. He will have to check in once a month for a year to make sure he has not relapsed. If everything comes out good he will not have to check in after the year. References Macavei, B. (2005). The Role of Irrational Beliefs in the Rational Emotive Behavior Theory of Depression. 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